Testimonials / Reviews
Read what hundreds of pilots have to say about "CC" Milne Pocock's Advanced Backcountry, Mountain, STOL and Tailwheel Flight Training.
AOPA Flight Training Experience Awards: Best Flight School Award - Western Pacific Region 2023. Distinguished Flight School Awards 2018, 2019, 2021 & 2022. Distinguished Flight Instructor Awards 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023. Thank you for your valuable reviews and for participating in the AOPA flight training experience survey.

Page updated: January 2025. More than 900 pilots have attended courses to date. Click on photos to enlarge.

The course is a great holistic experience, focusing on important and useful skills which one can apply to all of ones flying. If one uses a bush air plane then it can also add the extra dimension of flying in a model or type one is unfamiliar with, otherwise I would definitely recomend bringing ones own airplaneif possible to directly apply the learning where onw will use it the most.

Bush Air C170B

Clement Chamboulive, Switzerland

Private pilot







You will not find training like this anywhere else! I spent six days at Bush Air training on my Maule M7 with CC, it was the most intense and detailed training I have ever gotten. We flew three times per day in varied conditions, from very windy and difficult, to light winds. CC's focus on safety and on "getting to know your airplane" is next to none. We discovered the best speeds for the aircraft as well as stall speeds in all sorts of different configurations, and also the best CG which in my aircraft meant adding ballast to the rear baggage compartment. It made a big difference in the airplane's flying characteristics and recovery from stall.

The fact that his school is located at a small dirt strip airfield means you get to practice a ton of landings without having to wait for clearance or traffic like on bigger airports. There are also tons of scenic off airport locations near Bush Air, so I got to experience landing on a variety of spots in the desert and in the mountains, ranging in length and difficulty.

Aside from that the school has a relaxed atmosphere and you get to hang out with a legendary instructor and bush pilot, who also is a great cook and makes amazing food for you everyday with his girlfriend Christi! The guest house lodging is very comfortable and clean, with starlink internet, netflix, full kitchen and a very comfortable bed and mattress.

I recommend this course to anyone wanting to improve their skills as pilot with knowledge that you will not find at your local flight school, as well as for those that want to get to know their airplane better and learn backcountry flying.

Maule M7

Michal Siewierski, Phoenix, Arizona

Private pilot








Huge improvement to my knowledge of aircraft limits.Will give me a much better view of both my and my aircraft capacity. Safe operations outside POH limitations. I come away also with a knowledge of what I need to work on personally and how to improve my aircraft.

Maule MXT7

Tommy Thompson, San Fransisco, California.

Private pilot

The course was highly educational and CC was a great instructor. I learned the limits of my airplane and have a much better understanding of how far to push it safely.

I had a tremendous amount of fun and enjoyed the hospitality as well.

Cessna C182 Katmai

Gregg Smrz, Sun Tan Valley, Arizona

Commercial Pilot

My experience was wonderful. I have learned the appropriate speeds for my airplane, learned several new maneuvers to practice at home, and gained the confidence to take my new skills into the bush. Thank you CC!

Cessna C182

Chris Hale, Auburn, California

Commercial pilot

This course was exactly what I was looking for. I am a professional airline pilot and I fly general aviation operations in a Cessna 180 and a Supercub that I have owned for many years. I have done some modest backcountry flying in these two airplanes but have never had any formal backcountry flight training. I am always trying to improve my flying skills and decided that getting formal (quality) backcountry training was what I needed to be a safer pilot operating in the backcountry.

Bush Air's Level 2 backcountry course with CC nailed the kind of advanced training that I think I was missing. I am doing more and more backcountry explorations and this course will help to make me a safer pilot during off-airport operations and flying mountainous terrain. Thank you CC!

Cessna C180

Alan Francis, Flagstaff, Arizona

Airline Pilot and CFI

This course is a fascinating, insightful but at the same time sobering experience. No matter if you are a recreational pilot, a CFI or an ATP holder, you will definitely reach your limits regarding stick and rudder skills and get introduced into the art of precision flying in a fascinating landscape.

Be prepared to learn a lot that is not taught in any EASA or FAA syllabus, be prepared to develop a better feeling for the airplane and its aerodynamics, be prepared to get frustrated of your own mistakes over and again - but in the end you will walk out as a more complete, proficient and safe pilot. Thanks CC for the awesome experience.

Bush Air C170B

Florian Dressler, Teltow, Germany

Commercial Pilot

I reached a new level of proficiency with my FX3, and learned where the edges were. Maneuvers such as 60' bank stalls were never shown or discussed with me before, and it was startling and amazing to perform. Even other very experienced backcountry pilots I've studied with have not shown me the performance and behavior of my airplane like CC has. I also really appreciated the takeaway numbers for my airplane with regards to optimal approach and stall speeds. Even reading the book, it was hard for me to put together until I when up with CC.

I really appreciated CC's teaching style, clear and concise and exactly what I needed. I felt very relaxed and focused with CC in the cockpit.

Carbon Cub FX-3

Thomas Taranowski, Black Diamond, Washington, USA

Private pilot

CC's training is structured and dynamic! I felt like I could arrive here and gain knowledge and proficiency with any level of flight experience.

I would strongly recommend his personal training to anyone wishing to be a proficient, safe, and competent pilot. The fundamental step of learning. CG and proper airplane configuration is a lost art overlooked by flight schools and the FAA examination process. This training saves lives.

The Bush Air facility is purpose built. Food was great, accommodations had plenty of space to relax and study with hammocks, hot tub,pool,birds, shade trees, it is a inviting space to base out of, If you enjoy electronic music and base, CC has a few tricks up his sleeve at the Bush Air headquarters.

Cessna C185

Justin Treat, Enemclaw, Washington, USA

Private Pilot

Great experience! It was very interesting to see instruction from a different side. I will definitely be transferring some of this knowledge to my current aircraft. Food and hospitality were amazing. Thank you!

Bush Air C170B

Ryan Blevins, Parkersberg, West Virginia, USA.

Commercial and US Army Pilot

The course was very eye opening and rewarding. I gained a lot of personal confidence. CC your patience was much appreciated. Enjoyed the laughter in the cockpit. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to come here. Enjoyed your book. Took a multiple of life saving notes. I hope I will hear your voice in my head for years to come. I got a long way to go to be a bush pilot but that wont stop me from saying that I am! Thank you!

Bush Air C170B

Brant Ravenscroft, West Milford, West Virginia, USA.

Commercial and US Army Pilot

Training was excellent. CC is incredibly knowledgeable and has superior flight skills. He demonstrates and explains in a way that allows the student to fully understand and implement what was learned. CC helped to fix my problem areas as well as break bad habits. The emergency training is "real world". The training boosted my confidence while still humbling me as a pilot.

Bush Air C170B

David Williams, Corona, California.

Private Pilot

This was my first introduction to tail wheel flying and the art of backcountry or bush flying. My fixed wing flying, years ago, was primarily corporate and charter all within confines of controlled airspace, mostly well equipped airports and well prepared and maintained very long runways. My helicopter flying was covering the garnet of charter, game work, movie, aerial photography, geographical, surveys etc, with a lot of time spent at the edges or even over the edgeof the bounderies of flying. So, in summary, in attending this bush and tailwheel flying course, took me to the edges of flying and experiencing so many of the situations faced in bush flying. I was challenged every moment of every hour of every flight and it was awsome.

CC Pocock is at one with his aircraft, and a true master aviatorwith the highest standardexpected of his students. I recomend his training without hesitation, Thank you.

Bush Air C170B

Mike Bissict, North Carolina, USA

Commercial helicopter pilot


This is my 4th course with CC. Fantastic as always! I would highly recomend every pilot to attend.


Carbon Cub NX

Otto Muller, Stuart, Florida, USA

Private Pilot

As a private pilot with a recent instrument rating, I still felt something missing from my training. CC helped me to identify some bad habits that were developed while training with low time CFI's. In the course we were able to correct most of the bad habits and I now have the training to correct the remaining on my own!

I highly recommend this intense training to any pilot wishing to improve their skills. Oh, and the food and lodging were top shelf as well. Thanks CC!

Cessna C172-S

Ron Dunlop, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Private Pilot

My tailwheel training has been sporadic and over a number of years. I came to Bush Air with the goal ofmaking myself confident and safe tailwheel pilot. CC is an amazing instructor with with deep knowledge of the subject matter. He guided me through some rough of my own making and gave me the tools to fix them and become a better and more focused pilot. My wife and I stayed on site. He is a gracious host and an amazing cook.

I would recomend Bush Air training to any one of any level of experience. You will learn something new and valuable, I guarantee it.

Bush Air C170B

Eric Dobson, Powell, Ohio, USA

Private Pilot

I learned so much about how to be a safer, more proficient and skilled pilot and I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know my airplane better and improve my flying skills.

Murphy Super Rebel

Larry Browning, Lopez, Washington, USA

Private Pilot

From the beginning, "CC" outlined the entire course objectives Proficiency Safety and confidence. I am pleased to report that we achieved all three! "CC" is an excellent instructor, fully committed to the success of his students and the art and science of flying.

"CC" brings forth techniques that are unique, proven by his decades of flying experiences. He demonstrates each maneuver to the highest level and ensures that the student grasps it fully.

The ground school parts of the course and practical applications of the maneuvers ensures practical hands on understanding and makes a student motivated to practice on their own after the course.

This is an amazing, eye opening experience and I would highly recommend it to any aviator.

Bush Air C170B (#3)

Ashok Ramaswamy, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA

Private Pilot


This course was, by far, the best training I've received. The instruction included in depth explanations of WHY things happen and then demonstrating in flight. Most instructors these days are scared of stalls and won't demonstrate past the buffet. This course will have you very familiar and comfortable with stalls, and that's only a small portion of the training.

My landings are hugely improved and my confidence and familiarity with what my plane is capable of is far better than when I arrived. CC has decades of real life experience and it shows.

I would absolutely recommend taking a course at Bush Air as soon as possible. Stop bad habits before they start and find out how a couple of days here can make you a much safer pilot.

Cessna 150 TW

Ryan Hays, Kittery, Main, USA

Private pilot


I came feeling frustrated and in a slump. I had plenty of bad habits formed over the year, and I was not happy. You course boosted my safety, proficiency and confidence, and fun!

I feel like I have been put back on the correct path to continue my flying career.

Bush Air C170B (#3)

Jason Schaub,

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


The training was amazing.

I gained tremendous confidence to fly and learned my airplane in a short amount of time. I feel safer and more proficient while flying my plane due to this course.

Highly recommended for all pilots.

Cessna 206

Robbie Barker, Trona, California, USA.

Private pilot

In a word: Exceptional!

From the test flight on day 1 to the STOL in day 4, every minute in the air was a useful learning experience.

After 20-30 years of battling with my new Maule, CC's teaching gave me the confidence to fly the aircraft correctly and safely. His emphasis with becoming one with the plane, and exploring the flight envelope, turned my Maule from a challenging plane to a very fun machine.

I cant wait to develop more skills and return for phase/level 2 to continue my off-airport adventures safely.

Maule MX7

Claudio Ponte,

Henderson, Nevada, USA.

Private pilot





Incredible! I may not necessarily become a professional bush pilot, but I do want to own a tailwheel bush plane someday.

The skills I learned in these 3 days are absolutely relatable to every type of flying, bush plane or not! Knowing your plane, testing your plane, and becoming a master of your plane at the low and slow end of the flight envelope, exactly where fatal accidents occur, close to the terrain in the pattern. Using STOL techniques really gives you a feel for this.

Other eye-opening parts of the training were flying the pattern, landing, and taking off with all instruments blocked! This was done on day three and believe it or not, you can do it. Also, there was an emphasis on turn coordination and how critical that is in the pattern. I also liked the 60-degree banks and stalling and seeing that the plane will continue the turn as long as you are coordinated. Lastly, flying the plane fully stalled, power on and off, and seeing how rudders can help you maintain directional control to prevent a wind drop.

Such a wonderful three days. CC cooks all our meals and now I am five pounds heavier!

Bush Air C170B (#3)


Mark Duncan,

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Commercial pilot.



Our course experience was absolutely fun and educational. We learned so much and at a level, you wouldn't get anywhere else.

The course covered an in-depth test flight of our aircraft so we know our optimum speeds and configurations. We also got to learn our stall speeds in various configurations as well. We covered precision landings using these test flight results and moved into practicing STOL. We learned about mountain flying, check wind direction, while in flight, and steep turn maneuvers in confined canyon space. We practiced emergency landings and landings with no instruments.

CC was extremely knowledgeable and professional in all facets of his training. We highly encourage and recommend everyone to take the training courses from CC, you won't be disappointed. Thank you, CC!!"

Just Aircraft - Highlander


Jared and Karen Hansen,

Delores, Colorado, USA.

Private pilot







Absolutely outstanding training. The best I have ever received (on par with my military training to instruct in T38's and F16's, better in ways).

Invaluable insights as how to make me a better, safer, more skilled pilot and CFII.

The academics and principles taught are all spot on, we lowered my tire pressuresto 12 PSI for my 850-6 mains and added water ballast aft to determine optimun CG for my plane.

I now have a flight tested, accurate kneeboard card with stall warning and stall speeds for multiple flap and power settings. Numbers for optimum stabilized approach and minimum safe stabilized approach speeds. I learned competition level STOL techniques from the master. I got great new techniques for canyon turns and practiced the six step checklist for off-airport landings from page 188 of CC's Bush and Mountain Flying book.

Also, CC is a great guy to hang out with and a fantastic chef and host.

Thank you so much, I will 100% recommend people take this course / any instruction from CC before he retires! Lt Col "Willy" Rahill.

Cessna C180


John "Wily" Rahill, Burlington, Vermont, USA








Very helpful. In over 40 years of flying I have never been exposed to so many safety senarios. I highly recommend a Bush Air course to any pilot who wants to be a safer pilot. Young or old (like me) you will learn much!

Bush Air C170B (#3)

Ken Marchbanks, Gustavus, Alaska, USA.

Commercial pilot


Enjoyed the program. CC is obviously an expert in backcountry flying and airplane control. I think he did his best to communicate and transfer those skills. I have learned much more about the envelope of my airplane and potential. I came to the course having struggled landing my M7 and now feel I have the knowledge to build greater skills in that effect. He takes safety very seriously and taught me much about the hazards of mountain flying.

He additionally is a fantastic cook and appreciate all of his cooking. I stayed in a clean well taken care of house adjacent to the main training center. I would say that the school has a very "at home" vibe. Would highly recommend to others.

Maule M7

Anthony Giuliani, Morgan Hill, California, USA

Private pilot.

Excellent flight training experience. CC taught me how to get maximum performance from my Maule. I learned the comprehensive skills I need to be a safe backcountry pilot and a better pilot overall. With these skills I have the confidence to practice bush flying skills on my own to become truly proficient. Great hospitality and food too!

Maule M5

Matthew Clark, Tucson, Arizona, USA

ATP, CFI, USAF pilot.

Very good experience.

Bush Air C170B (#3)

Shawn Roberts, Kenya. Private pilot

Things went well. I needed every bit of what was taught to be a more comfortable pilot in my own aircraft. What I had learned during all my training prior was crap! What was taught to me at Bush Air will now be just the start of practicing, practicing, all techniques learned to be proficient at them. Every single thing learned was just the start. I now need to strengthen all of the muscle memory to use what was learned every single day moving forward.

Cessna C172

Noah Adams, Lake Havasu City, Arizona USA

Private pilot

*Expert instruction *Nice Accommodations *Great Meals

Cessna C182

Jerry Lewis, Cocolalla, Idaho, USA

Private pilot

Ground school was important to learn flying the right way. I had to unlearn much of what I learned from less informed instructors. Knowing your airplane’s precise numbers for stalls, slow flight, precision approaches. Invaluable to trust yourself and your plane at slow speed you never thought you could achieve. CC’s knowledge of practical airplane aerodynamics are unparalled. This transmitted knowledge teaches you what you and your plane can do confidently under control and without instruments and that pesky stall warning annoyance. Solid and nailed the line - every time. Thanks for the best backcountry training ever!

Cessna C182

Byron Piro, Coeur D Alene, Idaho USA

Private pilot

Fantastic! Hands down, best light aircraft training I have ever had! Probably the best training and instruction I have ever had. I’ll be back for Lvl 2.


Harry Ronsman, Las Vegas, Nevada USA


Terrific flight instruction from an expert bush pilot. CC has a high standard and gets amazing results in a short time. I am feeling much more confident in my aircraft and can’t wait to practice these concepts regularly in Idaho. I will be back for the advanced course next year. Faod and accommodation were also top notch!

Cessna C180

Joel La Fleur, Garden Valley, Idaho, USA



The course was a great learning experience. I enjoyed having to learn and somewhat master the spot landing with optimum speed. I found the STOL a little challenging, but I’m glad I’ve experienced what my aircraft can do. The mountain flying and canyon turns were an eye opener.

Bush Air Cessna C172


Private pilot

Great experience flying with such a professional instructor. I learned a lot and will try to transfer the knowledge to my regular flying at home. Never had such a dense training with highly valuable instructions. Thank you so much CC!

Bush Air C172

Ulli Bankstahl, Hofheim, Germany

Private pilot

The training was fantastic. As promised on the first day, I feel much more proficient, safe, and confident as a pilot. I learned a lot during this course and had several eye-opening moments. The step up to conventional gear was a hard piece of work. Your teaching style enabled a steep learning curve so that I was able to complete the program within those few days. Apart from that, thank you for being a wonderful host and I can just second on all those previous commentators that you are an excellent chef. I had a great time at Bush-Air.

Bush Air C170B

Jan Bankstahl, Hofheim, Germany

Private pilot

We learned how to know the airplane, yet as a feeling for the airplane and to become a safer pilot who is not any longer behind the airplane but flying the airplane. It is a wonderful landscape with flying in the sunrise. Very good food was a great experience. Thank you for teaching us so much.

Bush Air C172

Lilian Koenig, Bad Vilbel, Germany

Private pilot

Good Food, Great Music, Very nice place to stay. But this is not a wellness vacation. CC takes flying serious and if you are not always ahead of your aircraft you will learn it here. CC loves landings.

Bush Air C172

Karsten Koenig, Bad Vilbel, Germany

Private pilot

Excellent! Well designed for real world flying. Lots of information. Real skills developed for safe flying. Best training I’ve ever had!

Cessna C205

Nat Moody, San Carlos, California, USA

Private pilot.

Excellent! Well designed for real world flying. Lots of information. Real skills developed for safe flying. Best training I’ve ever had!

Cessna C170B

Ken Olson, Ramond Washington, USA

Private pilot.

It was a great course. Intense and professional with unique out of the box insights and advise. We had lots of fun flying although a little unlucky with the weather. We had a great time.

Bush Air C170B

Alex De Bruin, S-Gravenzande, Holland.

Private pilot

I found course very instructional in tailwheel flying and being a safer and precise pilot as a very new pilot. CC shows you how to explore the planes envelope without going over the edge. I had an amazing experience and will be back again.

Bush Air C170B

Jeremy May, Norco, California, USA.

Private pilot

I really enjoyed my time at Bush Air. I gained confidence in my abilities as an aviator, specifically due to learning my Supercub at a deeper and more comprehensive level. CC's hospitality and home cooking made the course a real vacation.

Piper PA-18 Supercub.

Matt McDonald, Lakewood, Ohio, USA.

Commercial pilot & CFI. US Navy pilot.

Most excellent! Two thumbs up! I wish I had more thumbs to give even more thumbs up!

Piper PA-18 Supercub.

Paul C. Legune Beach, California, USA

Great experience and knowledge gained from CC is unsurpassed. Giving you the tools to understand your airplane even better. In the evening CC turns out to be a good chef.

Bush Air C170B

Ed Pijl, Anstel, Netherlands.

Airline pilot.

Excellent didactic discussions on aerodynamics, slow flight and aircraft performance. Flight training is excellent and tailored to pilots skill level. Food and lodging excellent. Foolish not to take this course.

Cessna C185

Fred Sweet, Rockford, Illnois, USA

Airline pilot, CFI & DPE.

Excellent instruction and worthy investment to become a safer, more profocient and confident pilot. CC expertly dissects your aircraft's performance envelope in unparalled fashion. The depth of understanding aircraft handling and performance after taking instruction from CC cannot be overstated.

The setting and hospitality is great. CC runs a professional operation - you will not be dissapointed.

Cessna C185

Bill Dugen, Waterloo, Nebraska, USA. Airline Pilot.


Pat Dugen. Private pilot.


Intensive as expected. Appreciated the "no BS" approach to training, and the precision and attention to detail. I learned a great deal, in particular, how much I have to learn. The focus on "getting safe" and correcting bad habits was much appreciated.

I'll be back with my C185. This is the best training I have ever received!

Bush Air C170B

Larry Innes, Yellowknife, Canada.

Private pilot

This is a must do course. We all have been miss lead by flight instructors. No one ever told me to know my aircraft. A must!

Citabria 7GCBC

Steve Radenbaugh, Los Angeles, California, USA

Private pilot

This was an incredible and very valuable course. CC will make you a safer and more proficient pilot. He is straight to the point with groundschool and demands you show precision on your takeoffs and landings. Be prepared, he will be tough on you to make sure you're flying safely. I am a safer pilot because of this course. The food and accommodations are excellent as well. Request the "best ribs in the country" they really are!

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Austin Vos, Alberta, Canada

Private pilot

CC'c experience and skill shows the first minute of training. He gives the ins and outs of proper and precise landings and take-offs. He does'nt allow you to be sloppy and really hits home the importance of sticking to your landing target every time. Lots more of practice to get proficient. CC also helped me explore the envelope of my Cessna 210 to see exactly what its capable of.

Cessna C210

Douglas Smith, Encinitas, California, USA

Private Pilot

Same experience as my first training, OUTSTANDING! Very well prepared and efficient. It is obvious that CC is an accomplished pilot and a great trainer. His cooking is also top notch. I love his training style and personality. He will not suger coat your training and you will get the maneuvers done correctly. CC has made me a better pilot and we had fun doing it.

Cessna C210

Marty Smith, Encinitas, California, USA

Commercial Pilot

Great experience. No better C180 instructor out there! Definitely want to come back and do level 2.

Cessna C180

Chris Clem, Cutler, Illinois, USA

Private Pilot

I really enjoyed how CC thinks outside the box. What you learn training with CC can be used in real life situations. Not only does he teach it in his ground school, he then demonstrates it in the plane and makes sure that you are proficient at what you just learned before moving on to the next day of training.

My 2 biggest take aways from my time spent at Bush Air were: #1 Learning my aircraft and its capabilities to a level that united us as "one". #2: My very valuable self confidence as a pilot. Highly recommended.

Rans S-20 Raven


Jimmy O'Neal, Simi Valley, California, USA

Sport Pilot

Great experience. Knowledge gained from Bush Air is unsurpassed. The opportunity to learn from the best bush pilot CC Pocock and in an area like Cal Nev Ari's altitude and mountains is like no other. The flying experience and hospitality will have me back here for level 2 training.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Adam Luce, Rockwood, Pennsylvania, USA

Private pilot

Very satisfied with the training, knowledge, and critique of ability obtained on this course. Accommodations, meals and social very good. Will highly recommend CC's courses to anybody wanting to become a safer and more proficient pilot. I hope to return to complete the next level of training for bush and backcountry flying.

Bush Air Cessna C172

Matthew Quarrick, Uniontown, Pensylvania, USA

Student pilot

I was a student pilot who had not flown since 2017, rusty, uncomfortable and not confident in my ability. CC's knowledge and training had me comfortable and confident in my ability to fly again and handle the airplane like I never would before. Within 3 days he had me doing canyon turns. Hospitality and food was great, clean comfortable room and board. Truly a unique experience with a legend in the industry. I would recommend this course to anyone.

Bush Air Cessna C172

Michael Quarrick, Uniontown, Pensylvania, USA

Student pilot

After 30+ years of flying. I learned more about aviation than I thought possible, in only 4 days. Things were cleared up such as aft CG, flat spins, and stabilized approach speeds. Specific target numbers were established for my unique airplane. Stalls and slow flight are no longer an anxiety. Skills to develop spot landings were explained, demonstrated and instructed. Skills to develop short field takeoff and landing were instructed. I made my shortest landing ever! Spin awareness and keeping the ball centered training was outstanding. CC Pocock made every effort to make sure I was comfortable in my training including vegetarian meals.

Cessna C182 Katmai

Michael Kent, Santa Monica ,California, USA.

Commercial pilot and CFI.

Accommodations and food were excellent. Flight training was exceptional. The best training I've had to date. I came to get a Tailwheel endorsement but left being a far more competent, proficient and safer pilot. I highly recommend this course to any pilot at any level.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

John Crane, Stafford, Virginia, USA.

Private pilot

As part of planning for a trip to Alaska in the summer of 2023 in my C180, I scheduled Level 1 and 2 training with CC, and could not be happier with my choice. The Bush Air program used a very logical progression to take me from a very basic Skywagon pilot to a confident and much more competent backcountry flyer.

Although I am far from a master, this course brought out the good and the bad in my flying and sent me away with a new knowledge and respect for what my plane is capable of and a syllabus of what to work on.

I would recommend this training to any pilot whether or not he or she plans to hit the backcountry.The food and accommodations are first class as well. Thank you CC!

Cessna C180 - 300hp

Monty Smith, Blanca, Colorado, USA

Private pilot

This course is amazing. The training will benefit any pilot, no matter the level of experience. If you think you are a good and safe pilot, this course will make you a much better and safer pilot. CC is simply the best in pilot training, and he is also a great chef and a wonderful host. I will be back for more advanced tailwheel flying. Flying in the bush is some of the best fun you will ever have!

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Andrew Pomerantz, Los Angeles, California, USA

Commercial pilot and CFI

An incredible learning opportunity for precision and safety in STOL and backcountry operations. For 35 years of flying, it was the most valuable week I have ever experienced. CC is beyond knowledgeable in what he teaches and has incredible methods on how to teach even the rusty pilot to get up to speed in minimum time.

The week was also very enjoyable with staying with CC and the other students. CC is a full on chef. It would be worth it for having the food alone.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Ron Williams, Duluth, Minnessotta, USA

Private pilot

Great experience, Really impressed with the ground school and specially the flying. Learned a lo. Highly recommend it to any pilot no matter their skill level. CC is not only a great instructor with great knowledge but also a great host and cook. https://www.youtube.com/@motoadveBackcountry182

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Jose "Larry" Larrabure, Issaquah, Washington, USA

Private pilot

My experience was nothing short of awesome. CC is a professional that knows exactly how to teach the art of precision. He will correct bad habits and teach advanced skills in tailwheel aircraft.It's all about safety and precision. CC is a great host, loves to cook, and has the best ribs and curry I have ever had. I'll be back again to work on more advanced backcountry and tailwheel.

Thank you! For everything, your patience and craft are second to none.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Chris Meng, Dillingham, Alaska, USA

Private pilot




I am new pilot (Less than 500hours). I went to CC's presentations at Oshkosh for 3 years and his message really resonated with me. It wasn't until this year that I had my own plane and could put his philosophy to work. He believes in first knowing your airplanes envelope and then finding where envelope is in respect to it. The first day we figured out exactly exactly the capabilities of my aircraft and spent the remainder of the next two days educating and training me to use the planes capabilities to the extent I could with my capabilities.

I got exactly what wanted from the course. 1. Know what my plane could do. 2. Know what I could do with the plane. 3. Know than in my plane that I am a safe, proficient, confident and skilled pilot. I will not need to fly the plane to its extremes but I know that I can fly it much better than I ever have before. CC is great - I recommend this course to everyone.

PS The food was excellent and CC makes a point of really trying to make sure you are happy.

Cessna C206

Jim Kasic, Boulder. Colorado, USA

Private pilot.


I required a refresher in tailwheel flying and initial orientation to the Cessna 170 aircraft. My level 1 training with "CC" far exceeded anything I expectedwith a refresher course and I would highly recomend CC"s style of training to anyone whether tailwheel or tricyicle gear aircraft to attend this training.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

John English, Henderson, Nevada, USA

Airline pilot.

In one word, fantastic. The instruction is clear and succinct. When coupled with the practical demonstrations in my own aircraft, the lessons crystallized quickly. CC handles the human factors directly and helps remove concerns of unknowns through his training. The immense nature of CC's program ensues the opportunity to analyze and discuss questions more thoroughly. For myself, I am significantly more comfortable whit the flight characteristics of my airplane. I am definitely looking forward to continuous practice of the new techniques.

I highly recommend CC's program for anyone looking to take the handling of there aircraft to the next level.

Cessna C180

Laurie Seymour, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA

Private pilot

This was an absolutely amazing experiencefor me! CC is an exceptional teacher and in such a very short time he transformed my proficiency from from a tentative and non-confident state to an ability to feel and fly my airplane with confidence, precision and improved awareness. I know my airplane and myself as a pilot at an entirely new level.

Also CC is an excellent host and provides delicious meals including vegetarian. I highly recommend CC's course!

Cessna C206

Amy Dowe Berman,

Boulder , Colorado, USA

Private pilot.

I enjoyed 3 days of advanced flight training very much. Highly professional ground school sessions, followed by very specific flight and landings exercises helped me a great deal to become a better tailwheel pilot.

CC spoiled us with very good facilities and gourmet dinners every day. Thank you for a great experience.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Chris Muntwyler, Baech, Switzerland

Private Pilot

This was the most comprehensive and informative flight training I have ever done! I feel much more comfortable with my airplane; the safety factor I derived is great. Got what I came for and then some!

Cessna C182

Thomas Stilley

Flagstaff, Arizona USA

Private pilot.






I was consistently challenged and rewarded with an amazing experience. I really didn't know what to expect. CC is an "airplane whisperer" in my opinion. He is more knowledgeable than anyone I have flown with to date and he is able to break things down so they are simote. That does not mean this course is without challenges, but you can be certain that you will come away from CC's course just wanting more. I honestly wish the course was two weeks: One to absorb all of the new information, and a second to practice.

Here are more "perks" from the course: Comfy accommodations, great food, a pool, hot tub and sauna. CC not only helped me learn more about my airplane but he also helped me repair some items that needed attention. He's so committed to helping you achieve the best performance from your airplane, that this is just part of the course.

When learning is professional, fun and you leave wanting more - you know you have done a very good thing for yourself, your flying, and for aviation.

My recommendation: Every pilot should take this course!

Murphy Elite




Christi Masi, Seattle, Washington, USA

Private pilot




My experience was very valuable to my training. I feel like a safer pilot now that I have completed the course. I highly recommend this course to any pilot, but especially new ones. It teaches you good habits and how to break bad ones that you've previously learned.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Alyssa Williams,

Boulder City, Nevada, USA

Private Pilot

If you plan fly tailwheel or not, CC's course will make you a better pilot. I had not flown in a while and this tailwheel course was a "jump in to the deep end" approach but it was well worth it. You will earn your tailwheel endorsement in half the flight hours as most flight schools but have the same number of landings because the private air strip has no traffic. The focus on precision approaches and spot landings is so valuable and missed in primary flight schools. You will have to unlearn some bad habits and techniques to make you a better and safer pilot.

Bush Air Cessna C170B

Suart Litjens, Boulder City, Nevada, USA

Private pilot.

The course took me further into the full safe performance envelope for my plane than any other instruction I have received. In doing so it gave me a greater intuitive connection to the plane, making me a better more aware pilot. I learned tons that I will continue to work on as I fly, including the emergency maneuvers and mountain flying techniques that CC taught.

Great course - unlike any prior instruction I have received. I'm a better pilot for having taken it - provided I keep working on the stuff taught.

Cessna C182.

Brian Bergamaschi, Davis, California, USA.

Private Pilot

This was an excellent experience. I leaned so much and feel that I am a more safer and precise pilot for it. I have been flying for 20 years and wish I did not take that long to learn about CC's training. As a bonus the accommodations and food was wonderful.

Cessna C206.

Mike Funk, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.

Private Pilot




This course was incredible. At the beginning CC states that the course goal of becoming a safer pilot, a more proficient pilot, and a more confident pilot. Those are lofty and laudable goals. Through CC's teaching skills, piloting skills, and the nature of the environment he accomplishes his objectives in spades.

I am a new pilot and was unsure what to expect. He was able to quickly identify where I was lacking and he set about to make me a more skilled pilot.

I came away from this course with a new respect for the craft of flying. He taught me to respect the craft, to demand precision, and how to fly a machine with feel. He gave me skills that I did not have or even know exsisted prior to this course. He gave me a sylabus to follow and take home with me to practice. I am walking away from this course both humbled what I need to practice and be wary of.

I cant thank CC enough for sharing hishard earned experience and being tenacious enough to stick with me and guid me to be a more skilled pilot.

Cessna C182 300hp.

Kevin Jones, Solvany, California, USA

Private pilot.

Very great skills especially Level 1 course. Good experience for testing the limits. Impressive landings in the backcountry during Level 2 course. I learned much - Thankyou CC.

Bush Air C170B

Klause Rimbach, Germany

Flight instructor.

Great experience that I can suggest to all pilots. Learned a lot to operate my plane safe and within its limits. With this experience and learning I became a much safer pilot. Besides the training, we enjoyed staying with CC, his cooking, stories to share and lots more. I can highly recomend this to everyone!

Bush Air C172

Bernd Shulz, Germany.

Private pilot.

Fabulous training. I was very impressed by CC's ability to find all the things I wasnt taught in prior flight training. He made me get a feel for the airplane instead of just following procedures and never asking why! From now on I will always try to understand why something makes sense. Being able to do precision on the spot landings certainly makes me a more safe & confident pilot.

Bush Air C170B

Thomas Dittler, Mountain View, California, USA

Private pilot.

This course is absolutely fantastic. I did not know what all you can do with a C172. When you test it and fly it beyond the basic manufacturers recommendations you can really achieve some amazing things with the plane. CC is an extremely knowledgeable, experienced and safe pilot. He is great to fly with because he truly pushes your limits and you become better at a surprisingly fast rate. additionally the pad is comfortable and hospitable and the cooking is amazing. All pilots should take this course. It will make you safer, proficient, credible and skilled.

Bush Air C172

Youseff Fouad, Witchita Falls, Texas, USA

Commercial and USAF pilot





I learned more in 4 days with CC than in any similar period of time in the Air Force UPT, initial qualification or at any point in my operational squadron. I went from 0 time in taildraggers and not having flown any GA aircraft in over a decade to comfortably and safely landing his Cessna 170B on the intended point of touchdown by the end of the course.

His canyon and mountain flying groundschool and flying was extremely valuable and filled in knowledge and technique gaps that I hadn't even been aware of and could potentially have been safety issues in the future.

I highly recommend this course to any pilot, no matter how experienced you think you are, who is looking to improve their overall flying ability, precision lands or general base of knowledge and techniques for flying in mountainous terrain.

CC's cooking for each meal spoiled us immensely and when it was time to fly we just stepped of the porch, pushed the plane back and were ready to go in a matter of seconds.

All in all, I'd highly recommend this course and will definitely be back at some point in the future.



Eric Livdahl, Clovis, New Mexico, USA.

Commercial pilot and USAF instructor.



Amazing experience. CC is an excellent instructor and chef. Accomodations were perfect and food 10/10.

Alex Mora, Clovis, New Mexico, USA.

Commercial and USAF pilot.


5 stars all the way! CC is masterful in the are of flying. He demands precision and teaches you how to get there. Awesome instructor and wonderful host. Stalls, spins, slips,emergency procedures, gliding to a precise point of touch down... he teaches it all. So happy to have been part of this experience. Thank you CC for your hospitality, great meals and especially the set of techniques that aren't normally taught in regular flight schools. A wealth of information! I look forward to someday taking another course with CC.

Anonymous, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Absolutely 1st class! One of the best training courses I have ever been on. Instruction was practical and fun. My flying skills have definitely improved. If I had the right aircraft for it I would enroll in the level 2 course but not in the summer heat! The hospitality that CC puts on is first class! In addition to the flight training skills, CC is an exceptional cook and he knows his way around an airplane mechanically.

Vans RV-7

Norm Tatz, Calgary, Alberta. Canada.

Commercial pilot and instructor.


Great experience and adventure. The training was intense and challenging. A real eye opener exposing the bad habits I have developed over time. We did many maneuver's not covered in your basic training, focusing on safety and aircraft control.

I feel like this course is a must for any pilot. I doesnt matter what kind of flying you do, you will walk away a safer and more confident pilot with a new understanding of your aircraft. Safety, proficiency and accuracy is what you will leave here with. Hospitality accommodations and food is great too.

Bush Air C172

Brian Jones, Turlock, California, USA

Private pilot

I learned a lot working with CC! CC's #1 priority is safety and I appreciated that many times. Everything I learned I can apply to every plane I fly. I learned things about my plane, how to properly use some of the controls, better techniques, precision of the controls and when to land and most importantly keeping that taildragger straight!

Thank you for the flying and hospitality!

Just Aircraft - Highlander.

Eric Bailey, Lake Havasu, Arizona, USA.

Private pilot.








I reached out to Bush Air after purchasing a Cessna 180 that I intended to fly in the Alaska backcountry. Although I had been flying my Super Cub in the backcountry for years, I thought it would be best to seek additional training in my Cessna 180 from an experienced instructor. I looked at all of the options available for backcountry 180 training, and decided on CC's course due to the scheduling, what the course offered, and his extensive experience.

I was very impressed by the operation. CC is a great cook and cooked all meals which were quite delicious. The facility was nice and comfortable. The next morning, we started early and did ground school. Despite being a 7600 hour pilot with hundreds of hours in the backcountry, I learned a lot from this. We went up and did maneuvers that took my plane to the edge of the envelope, some of which I had never done before. We would land after 45 minutes on each lesson and go over ground again for the next lesson. We then worked on spot landings and short field landings, all while adjusting the ballast for an optimum CG.

The second day, we did some off airport landings and got to put the big tires to the test! His course has definitely made me feel more confident in my airplane and particularly in backcountry operations. Toward the end of the course, I did some takeoffs and landings in my 180 solo while he recorded and measured the distance. I went from 600ft takeoffs and landings at sea level to a record of 230ft takeoff and 230ft landing at a density altitude of about 5500ft based on the temperature and elevation. I didn't make any performance adjustments to my plane: it was all technique!

After the course, I feel ready to continue flying my 180 in the backcountry. I would highly recommend his course, and even better if you can take it in your own airplane. It was about 1100nm for me to fly to his location from Texas, and I would definitely say it was worth the long flight!

Cessna C180

Sarah Rovner, Texas, USA.

Airline pilot, CFI and DPE.










Excellent. "CC" was accommodating for travel arrangements, food (I have allergies) and easy to organize and communicate with. Once here he met me at my skill set level. I've had several years of inactivity, but own my own plane and have experience in some of his type of training - he didn't teach "up" or "down" to me - helped where I needed it, explained everything thoroughly, had good and safe reasons for his teachings, showed me stuff I'd never seen and I had a blast while getting some new skills.

Some highlights:"CC" lets you and has you repeat stuff until it's totally consistent. He must see the same behaviors time and again, but he's fully focused on success and invested in it. He's hands off, unless absolutely required. He was straight forward about calling out unsafe practices like low approaches and pointed out aircraft vulnerabilities. He builds a well rounded foundation. I liked doing spot landings, STOL ops, nitrous assist performance and experiencing a different kind competitive element.

It's going to be a fun year of flying!

Bush Air C170B

Rebecca Cozad, Talkeetna, Alaska, USA

Airline pilot and CFI







The course was an excellent immersion experience in precision handling of aircraft in the bush environment. Starting with a foundation of optimum aircraft configuration to get the best flying performance out of it, CC builds on the truly best ways to fly the airplane that leverages that performance and applies the techniques from ground instruction into actionable exercises in the air that will push you aircraft handling skills.

It was impressive to see what the aircraft was really capable of and how rapidly skills and confidence build when flying in demanding conditions and with uncompromising standards of expected performance. Very fulfilling!

I have so much to take with me from this course and to practice further on my own. I would do it all over again the same way and likely will return for more training in the coming years. Thanks!

Bush Air C170B


Peter Shannon, San Francisco, California, USA

Private pilot




I highly recommend CC Pocock’s Advanced Flight Training course. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a new pilot, CC will teach you things you never knew, and probably expose some bad habits that you never knew you had. And you’ll have a bunch of fun doing it! And keep in mind this course is FAA accredited, and that CC is an AOPA Distinguished Flight Instructor. And if it’s a tail wheel endorsement you seek, CC will make sure you’re good and ready for the real world.

Others have commented that CC can fly an aircraft like no other. Believe it. And he can teach you how he does it. And one last thing - CC cooks almost as well as he flies. The food during my four day stay was terrific.

Cessna 172E 180HP

Charlie Rowlett, Fallbrook, California, USA

Private pilot

Highly recommended pilot training. Thankyou CC for giving me more confidence and safety for my flying. I have learned a lot of new techniques. Great experience!

Bush Air C170B

Patrick Teepker, Hessdorf, Germany.

Private pilot

I had a great experience at bush Air. I was looking at improving more of the flight envelope alongside completing my tailwheel endorsement. I managed to to work on all of that and am coming back with a newly found appreciation for precision flying, and feeling safer with my flying.

CC's C170 is a pleasure to fly and the setting of the Nevada desert and mountains is beautiful and very importantly the food was delicious with some of the best BBQ ribs I have ever had!

Thanks CC until next time!

Bush Air C170B

Antoine Moreau, Brookly. New York, USA

Private pilot


Eye opening and safety oriented. Highly recommend the course to anyone trying to hone their backcountry, STOL, mountain flying, slow flight and all round flying skills. Precision pilot course.

Bush Air C170B

Kevin Winkelhake, Yuma, Arizona, USA.

Commercial pilot and CFI

I was intimated by the idea of this course as I am a relatively low time fixed wing pilot. However, I highly recomend taking this course. My confidence in the airplane has increased dramatically in three days of flying. CC is a down to earth no-nonsense instructor. He will fix bad habits and provide a much better perspective on the use of flaps and flight speeds. He's a great cook too.

Cessna C175

Dave Gifford, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Private pilot

I have learned a lot about precision flying, precision landing and about the real envelope of the airplane. As a flight instructor now I have new experiences to teach with students. Thank you very much for the introduction! I will be back for level 2 course!

Bush Air C172

Andre Heinzelmann, Eschenz, Switzerland.

Commercial pilot and Flight instructor.

Great experience. I was new to the aircraft and CC helped me find the envelope of the plane. The advanced manuevers are essential to bush flying. I gained enough confidence to take that training home and practice. Accomodation and hospitality was great.

Be specific on the registration form for what you want to eat and drink!

Carbon Cub NX

Todd Nelson, San Luis Obispo, California , USA.

Private pilot

As they say: "You don't know what you don't know!" I wish I had taken CC's advanced flight training when I first built my Glasair Sportsman. I would have been so far ahead of knowing how to fly my airplane. This is an intense course for those who truly want to become one with their airplane and begin to feel comfortable and safe with backcountry flying. The location is perfect and the accommodations are right on the airport so all you have to do is concentrate on flying. Well worth it!

Glasair Sportsman

Jim Church, Park City, Utah, USA

Airline pilot & CFI

I believe that I got my flying altogether better. CC is a demanding instructor but for a reason. There is a lot to learn for an ordinary PPL pilot. This course might be good for even more advanced pilots.

I got my tailwheel rating and wish to thank Bush Air and CC for helping me to achieve that.

Bush Air C170B

Seppo Remy, Turku, Finland

Private pilot

As an instructor, CC knows his craft and imparts that knowledge quickly and efficiently. I am now definitely more aware of the bottom end of the flight envelope.. CC pushed me and I need pushing, he expects perfection, and shooting for it, you will get better. Your bad habits will be exposed and corrected early in the game.

I will likely "hear" his voice for some time in the future while doing flight maneuvers.

Applying what I learned will make me a safer more aware pilot moving forward.

Bush Air C170B

Rob Walsh, Boise, Idaho, USA

Private pilot

Very worthwhile. A great experience of what the C182 will do and what I am capable of doing. I am more in tune with the 182 than before I got to Bush Air. Food was excellent and quarters were great. No complaints whatsoever. A great instructor.

Cessna C182

Gary Bickel, Cresson, Texas, USA.

Private pilot

My experience at Bush Air is one I will not forget. I learned many new things as a pilot I never knew about. During my time at Bush Air I can say that I am a better pilot, a more skilled and safer pilot and that just coming for private pilot level. I know that I am safer in the sky after visiting Bush Air. PS, the food here is super good hands down and make sure you properly fill out the questionnaire form.

Cessna C182

Jonathan Bickel, Cresson, Texas, USA

Private pilot

Absolutely loved the course and was amazed by what I didn't know. It was challenging but CC made it simple and helped get me to where I needed to be. It was well worth the trip and I feel much better about my skill level now. Plus I can fly a tailwheel now in winds!

Bush Air C170B

Scott Koch, Coolidge, Arizona, USA

Private pilot

The objectives of the course were to become Safe, proficient and confident pilot through the skills learned in the level 1 advanced bush flying course. It met these objectives because of the no-nonsense real world training I achieved from CC Pocock.

We successfully identified and corrected and focused on breaking several bad habits that I had developed over the years nad now have the confidence to perform consistent spot landings, emergency landings and the skills to properly execute short field take-off and landings and real world mountain and canyon flying.

Cessna C206

Rudy Spit, La Vern, California, USA

Private pilot

I did the spouse course so I could land the plane in case my husband became incapacitated in an emergency situation. I was impressed with the detailed ground school specifics to my needs. CC is the best flight instructor, very clear and conscise, yet very encouraging to inexperienced pilots wives!

By the end of the course I came away feeling confident that I land our C206 in an emergency.

Cessna C206

Kathy Spit,La Vern, California, USA

Student Pilot

Great training experience! Definitely recommend every pilot take this course no matter whatever level of pilot you are. You are guaranteed to learn new skills and it has certainly made me a safer and more proficient pilot. CC's knowledge and training are a very valuable asset! Had a great adventure taking this course.

Bush Air C170B

Seamus Campion, Vero Beach, Florida, USA

Private pilot

This course is one that everyone should take. As a pilot you will become safer because you will learn how to handle the airplane. You will be pushed but it is all worth it when you are done because you are safer.

Bush Air C170B

Garrett Gottlieb, Titusville, Pennsylvania, USA

Commercial pilot & CFI

Overall extremely satisfied with the course. Very low time in tailwheel and no recent flights in a tailwheel. CC works predominantly in 30-45min flights focusing on a building block approach that coincides with a short ground school session. Quickly progress from aircraft handling and aerodynamics to landings. Followed by some amazing STOL training. By the time you finish you can comfortably escape a box canyon and land with no instruments or engine anywhere you need. Even under 500ft! Planned landings under 200ft! Then take level-2 and experience finding your own landing zone while exploring the beautiful desert and you'll really understand the allure and appeal of bush flying.

Bush Air C170B

Brandon Huff, Charlotte, NC, USA.

Airline pilot & CFI

When the US borders opened and I could re-enter the US, I took the opportunity to visit Milne CC Pocock and his school BUSH AIR in Nevada. If any of you should play with the thought to do it! It's worth the long way and worth every penny, even if you don't want to fly "off-road". There's something for everyone!

Bush Air C170B

Dmitri Bagin, Michelbach, Germany

Private pilot

The course was outstanding It was an eye opener on some basic and way more advanced topics that are not (and never were) taught in any flight schools except bush Air. The location at 1L4 is ideal, surrounded by desert and mountains. I had a first exposure to Bush Air in 2010 in South Africa. The 2021 version in Nevada is way better and improved. N170Y is a delight to fly. "CC" Pocock is the best CFI and cook! I recommend this training to anyone who wants to be more safe, confident and proficient while learning new skills while staying in an airpark. I will definitely come back again.

Bush Air C170B

Julien Sedlak, Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Flying with CC was eye opening. I have been a pilot for over 10 years now and I realize that the basic maneuvers and emergency procedures were not properly executed (and not properly taught on private pilot training or flight reviews). I really enjoyed when CC shared his experiences and off airport stories. I will never take off without 10degrees of flap again and always apply full flaps for a landing whatever the wind speed or direction. Thanks for an amazing week!

Bush Air C170B

Marc-Andre Kinny, Nambsheim, France

Private pilot

Perfect remote location away from distractions - other aircraft, ATC or complaining neighbors. Great access to canyons and uncluttered airspace. The conditions above allow for extremely efficient use of time and fuel. Hands-on flying with CC beside you coaching the entire time. All one-on-one flying and real world backcountry flying.

Cessna C185

Mike Sommars, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Airline pilot.

Enjoyed the course. Honed many skills, gained new experiences and polished up some old skills. Highly recommend the course to anyone looking to become a safer, more proficient and confident pilot. Whether or not you want to get involved in STOL / backcountry flying.

Cessna C185

Zach Wright, Texas, USA

Private pilot



From the second I drove up to the lit up hangar with a beautiful 170B out front I knew this would be a great experience. CC welcomed me with open arms and had very comfortable and relaxing accommodations which really added to the positive environment.

For a guy that likes to eat, I came to the right place! Every meal was hand prepared by CC and every one of them was amazing.

Within 30 minutes of the ground school, CC had already pointed out at least 5 bad habits of mine that we corrected over the next few days. The first flight was spent exploring the planes envelope that proved to be instrumental in doing this kind of flying, and immediately relaxed me nerves. Over the course I struggled a bit to break bad habits but CC was patient with me and sure enough I came around. I got everything out of this course that I came for and more. I am definitely a safer pilot and can actually hit my mark now. Thank you CC for an amazing experience, see you again soon!

Bush Air C170B

Josh Vorhees

Roseville, California, USA

Private pilot



This training did a good job of testing the limits of my abilities and showing me important areas for improvement. Its a great experience for ridding oneself of complacency.

Bush Air C170B

Mike Lane,

Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada.

Private pilot

The course was comprehensive and challenging. I really liked the fact that CC listened to my concerns coming into the course and forced me to repeat exercises to get competent and comfortable. Highly recommended.

Kitfox S7

Mark Harris,

Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

Commercial pilot

Excellent! The instruction is the best I ever had and should be mandatory in private pilot curriculum. Thanks CC, I'll be back.

Bush Air C170B

Lukas Bouvrie, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Private pilot




Hugely confidence building. Explored C170 envelope much further than I ever thought. Achieved more than I thought I could do.

CC is a master instructor. All tailwheel CFI's who instruct in tailwheel aircraftshould be required to attend training with CC. No one in the world can handle a 170 like CC - and more importantly - no one is more adept at instantly seeing what a student is missing and not understanding and teaching student how to correct errors.

The location of Kidwell is perfect. Easy to get to from Vegas. 5000ft dirt runway 200ft from CC's house makes easy multiple flights per day which enhances learning. No other aircraft in pattern means many landings and 5000ft means multiple re-lands and other possibilities. You cant get as much actual hands on training in a few hours as you can get here.1 hour flying at Bush Air is the same as 2-3 hours anywhere else.

Cannot recommend this course enough. I will be back to take the level 2 training and to eat some more of CC's master chef cooking. Thanks CC - Floyd

Bush Air C170B

Jim "Floyd" Danhakl

Clovis, California, USA.

Airline Pilot.





What a fantastic course! This is my 3rd time I have attended CC's courses and every course has greatly improved my flying skills. but even more than this is the whole experience. CC is a great flight trainer and host. The food! wow! The great evenings around the fire telling flying stories. I can highly recommend his courses. You will leave a more proficient, safe & confident pilot.

Carbon Cub FX3

Otto Muller, Stuart, Florida,USA

Private pilot

I really enjoyed the environment, friends and training. We explored the extreme envelope of my aircraft then refined my techniques. I feel much more in tune with my plane and have built an amazing amount of confidence. CC is a blast to hang out with and is constantly educating you on the finer points of backcountry flying. I look forward to my next course next year.

Carbon Cub FX3

Blake Richards, Kirkland, Arizona, USA

Private pilot



The entire experience exceeded every expectation I had. The atmosphere matches the name. It is like being in the bush. We stayed at CC's and loved it. The accommodation was immaculate. Beds are very comfortable, showers great and most of all the food brilliant. This was the best chicken, ribs, and steak have had in years. Its better than the best restaurant's in Seattle.

So lets get to the flying. In short, I am an exponentially better pilot than I was when I got here. Learning about and understanding the real capabilities of my plane changed how I fly it. After the stall and recovery exercises I now fly every approach much safer and more stable. My precission landings are spot on and my short landings are less than 300ft every single time. The fact that I can now land and stop my Cub in 200ft is amazing.

CC is a gifted instructor. He teaches by installing confidence focusing on technique and precision. In the end my skill has increased significantly and I am a much safer and capable pilot.

I am looking forward to coming back.

Carbon Cub FX3

Adriaan van Wyk, Snoqualmie, Washinton, USA

Private pilot





I highly recommend this course. CC taught me how to identify and correct errors in my flying as well as how to approach flying any new aircraft. He’s a great instructor in the cockpit, low stress and very informative. He sets the bar for flight instruction in the air and on the ground. Once I’ve had some time to practice what I’ve learned in the primary course I’ll be back for the secondary course. 10/10.

Bush Air C170B

Joshua Stueck,Nine Mile Falls, Washington, USA

Commercial Pilot

CC is very experienced and I am very grateful his teaching. He helped me in a short time to understand tailwheel and backcountry flying. Very hospitable and good in accomodating your needs during your stay.

Bush Air C170B

Bryan Lim, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Commercial pilot

I arrived with 2000 hours including 300 hours tailwheel in last 2 years and didn't know how much I didn't know. Excellent experience. Lots of self doubt as it progressed but it all came together on day 3. Now I have to go practice in my Husky, but I am now confident in my ability. And to boot, CC is a great chef!

Bush Air C170B

Luke Weinstein, Vieques, Puerto Rico, USA

Private pilot

This course was the best aviation investment I have ever made. The skills I learned here have made me a safer and more confident pilot. CC is excellent in presenting complex concepts in a way that can be understood and truly learned. Bush Air students are held to high standards and continuously encouraged to be precise in all aspects of flight. I learned hoe to really get to know any aircraft I fly so that I can fly it with that safety and precision. I am looking forward to returning in the future to learn more advanced bush flying techniques and keep my skills sharp.

Bush Air C170B

Aaron M, Oregon, USA

Private pilot

This course by far, has been the most eye opening, confidence building flying experience I have had. His theories and flying techniques have proven safe, effective, tried and true. My time spend flying with CC has made me a safe more confident pilot and I plan on returning for more training to continue my growth as an aviator.

Bush Air C170B

Rene Herrejon, Fort Bragg, California, USA

Commercial pilot

Very very knowledgeable pilot. CC knows his airplanes. He can take you from a beginner to a person that'll feel a lot more confident. A appreciate the tools and techniques he gave me. His ability to fly never left me in doubt. I always felt safe with him at my side even though I doubted my ability. Great course for anyone that wants to improve their skills.

Bush Air C170B

Matt McElhinny,

Willits, California, USA

Private pilot

Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne "CC" Pocock with Frank Spina from Long Beach, California.






How was my experience the course? Exceeded all expectations on so many levels! I am not sure if CC was made for the Cessna 170B or the Cessna 170B was made for CC. It is quite evident, and crystal clear the man knows his machine as well as lives and loves what he does. Our blessing and gifts are he is willing to share his experience and knowledge with those willing to take the step to learn and experience this type of flight training. This I can assure you: you WILL be SAFE; you WILL be PROFICIENT, and you WILL CONSTANTLY STRIVE for PRECISION! He will push your skill level and raise your level of flight awareness.

As you progress through the flight training and become more confident, more proficient so does his coaching and his demands on you to once again, believe me you will hear it a hundred times, you WILL be SAFE, you WILL be PROFICIENT, and you WILL CONSTANTLY STRIVE for PRECISION! ALWAYS! CC does not just talk this motif; he lives it and flies it every time he enters the cockpit. I was blessed with a one-on-one course due to cancellations. The results of this situation were countless quality conversations, wonderful, shared meals and learning the world has a very unique and special person that focusses on the positive and is willing to share his gifts to us willing to learn.

Memories for life! As discussed, I will be back for more training and that remote cup of coffee together!! Thank you, my Friend!

Bush Air C170B

Frank Spina, Long Beach California, USA

Private Pilot





I had an incredible experience on this course. I was hesitant at first to combine tailwheel training with the other complex flying techniques we were to learn fearing it would be too much all at once. After some encouragement from CC I went ahead with it and I am very happy I did so. It's a lot to learn but very doable with CC's guidance. I would recommend it to anyone who is a reasonably competent pilot.

One of the other applicants brought his own plane and was exceedingly happy with the performance , skills and applications he learned around his own aircraft.

Tremendous learning experience with lifelong skills and memories.

Bush Air C170B

John Irwin, Oakland, Main, USA

Private Pilot


Incredible training experience. I'm sure this course has changed the way I fly and made me a much safer pilot. Excited to continue to practicing the techniques I have learned. I will probably be back one day for a tailwheel endorsement.


C205 N8199Z

Brian Oliver, Gunnison, Colorado, USA

Private Pilot


Good, Second time here. New experience in tailwheel. Food was good as always. Course pace is very relaxed. Lodging is convenient.


Bush Air C170B

Dan Rice, Plymouth, New Hamphshire, USA.

Private Pilot.

CC was the best kind of instructor. Incredibly knowledgeable skilled and patient. He was able to simultaneously help this rusty pilot get rid of bad habits and rapidly increase my skills in how to control a bushplane for optimum performance, tailwheel, precession flying, landing skills and real mountain flying skills. As a host he always made us feel welcome and his cooking skills delivered some excellent meals. I could not more highly recommend this course. You will be challenged to push the envelope of your flying skills and have a fantastic time in the process.

Bush Air C170B

Clark Anderson, Winterpak, Florida, USA


The course was exceptional! Having just gotten my private pilot license, I was slightly apprehensive about signing up for an advanced backcountry flying course even though it was "level1". CC was great and commented that he likes getting newer pilots before they develop even more bad habits. The course is filled with actionable information that drastically improved my skill level. I will certainly return for his level 2 course in the future.

Bush Air C170B


Ryan Koeneke, Parker, Colorado, USA

Private pilot


Great experience. CC has the practical experience in flying and skills that he teaches. He is enthusiastic and takes great effort to assure your competence. I loved the mountain canyon safety maneuvers! It was a wow! Never in any other courses has it been explained then demonstrated and then practiced for competency; that was wonderful. CC is easily approachable with questions and patient in training as you learn new skills. I am more proficient on stabilized approaches!

Highly recommend. CC is also a fabulous chef - food is wonderful.

Mary Theurer, Palmdale, California, USA

Private Pilot.


What an incredible experience! To face a fear or challenge you have to get to know it. CC Pocock is just the experienced instructor to have. He helps you figure it all out. BTW - He provides incredible food for every taste bud!


Candi Rodio, Langcaster, California, USA

Private Pilot

I've have about 500hrs of tailwheel time in the last two years. In preparing to start my own part 135 operation, I wanted to make sure to have someone else take a look at my flying and help polish up my skills in the Beaver. While this was a relatively new plane to CC, he had no problem jumping right in and straightening out a bunch of little habits I have had been developing over the years. No doubt, I'll be back again in the future for my "tailwheel recurrent". Thanks CC!

DHC-2 Beaver N5142G

CC's Course was a perfect introduction backcountry flyiing. I came with my boyfriend who is a pilot, so that I could learn the basics of landnig the airplane in case of amergency. CC was very thourough but also gentle and patient with me as I was learning. I feel very lucky to have logged my very first flight hours with such a skilled pilot and trainer. He goes above and beyond to make his guests feel comfortable and at home. I would recomend him to anybody who is looking for both a fun geaway and quality flight training.

DHC-2 Beaver N5142G

Alex Polvi, Bend, Oregon, USA

Comercial pilot.



Ramya Hipp, Bend, Oregon, USA.


Great flying experience. Makes me feel safer more confident and more proficient. I feel more ready to tackle what may come at me throughout my flying to come. Also really fun and great food.

C170B N152M

Paul, Nauleau, San Fransisco, California USA

Private pilot

CC's course, accomodations and hospitality is A1. The training recieved is highly valuable and relevant to backcountry operations.

C175 N5089

Justin Mackie, Henderson, Nevada, USA

Private pilot

CC's advanced backcountry and mountain flying course was a valuable class that allowed me to see and perform flying my airplane to its fullest while emphasizing safety. The accomodations and hospitality was great!

C182 N9441M

Ryan Wolfenbarger, Lebanon, Oregon, USA

Commercial pilot and CFI

Great period! CC is passionate in what he is doing. Great eye opening experience. You will for sure make something out of this course, even if you are an advanced and experienced pilot. And also after your private checkride, go attend the course. I bet you will come out of it more safe, more proficient and skilled!

I'm already planning to attend the next course. Endorsements: CFI spin, Tailwheel and BFR. Learning's: How to spotland, canyon turns, emergency return to runway, exploring the edge of the envelope of the airplane and not the book numbers.

Advice: Do the Tailwheel training, it will make you a better nose gear pilot.

Bush Air C170B

Markus Nordhous, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA

Private Pilot

As a new owner of a Carbon Cub SS I thouroughly enjoyed my flight training with CC at Bush Air. His experience was obvious in the way the course was taught. He covered many situations that will be used with my airplane. He tailored the training to meet my needs and requests. I finished this course with a much better understanding of the airplanes capabilities and gained the confidence needed.

Carbon Cub SS

Dennis Simon, Henderson, Las Vegas, USA


Excellent course!Huge builder of confidence. Arrived with a healthy fear of strong winds then proceeded to do precision landings in the highest winds I have ever flown in. The canyon turn was a real eye opener. Really fun, great honest flight instruction and evaluation of your flying skills. Sometimes humbling but that's what I came for. Great food, burgers are the best!

PA22/20 N6865B

Ray Ellis, Lake Side, California, USA.

Private pilot.

The curriculum presented in this course exceeded my expectations. The experience was humbling and eye opening and I am leaving with a new understanding of my and the aircraft's capabilities. Whether you intend to fly in the mountains or off-airport, this course will make you a safer, more proficient, more confident pilot. I would recommend this course to any pilot regardless of experience or intentions. Thank you CC and for the delicious food!

Bush Air C170B

Adam Fern, San Diego, California, USA

Commercial pilot.

CC is very passionate about flying. His approach to flying the plane is an eye opener. You really learn a lot what the plane can do. His hands on training for tailwheel has really increased my skills and feel like a much safer pilot. Really enjoyed the canyon flying and feel I can safely fly out with his teaching. We did an off airport landing in the snow. One memory I am glad to have! His attention to detail and passion is commendable. I would recommend any pilot to spend time with CC and hone their skills.

Bush Air C170B

Bill Day, Seguin, Texas, USA.

Private pilot.

CC Pocock is a very passionate and dedicated professional flight instructor! His no nonsense and practical approach to training along with his decades of experience gave me a challenging opportunity to improve my piloting skills.

I thought I knew more than I actually did. I was surprised at several bits of knowledge that I had repeated because it was how I was taught over my past 44 years of flying, were wrong and could have become a fatal cause for myself to have a mishap. I feel I should have attended this training several years ago and I could have been a better pilot and instructor.

CC Pocock is a world class provider of tailwheel training and I recommend his courses of training to those pilots who desire to improve their proficiency and skill.

Rans S029 Raven N122BW

George Hicks, Agra, Oklahoma, USA.

Commercial pilot & CFI.

I had a good experience at Bush Air. Although I am coming away with still a lot to work on, I now have the confidence to go out and practice. I really benefited from the mountain flying portion and would liked to spend more time with this had the weather permitted. I would like to return for the level 2 course with more experience and do more off airport training and spend more time with the STOL training. Food was wonderful, room and accommodations were great.

A great experience! I came here with less than 2 hours of introductionary flying from years ago, basically starting from scratch! CC helped me feel confident to fly with my husband and be able to get safely to the ground if needed. And he taught me with heaps of patience. I recommend highly!

Bush Air C170B

Rory Grant, Campton, New Hampshire, USA.

Private pilot.


Jenny Grant, Campton, New Hampshire, USA.

Spouse Intro flight training.







This course was more than I expected. I was able to critically review my flying habits and correct flaws that were present since my basic training. The course gave me confidence to fly the mountains without the fear of finding myself in a tight spot. With CC's dedicated instruction I found better and safer methods for landings. I will definitely take the skills learned and apply them. The stay at the Bush Air residence is a must, with the best food and drinks. Be specific when answering the course questionnaire! You will get what you ask for!


I accompanied my husband who attended the Level 1 training. CC told me when I arrived that he would have me landing the airplane after two hours of training with hi. At first I felt a bit incredulous, but by the end of those two hours I achieved my goal! CC gives you confidence and courage despite you level that you will be able to a future situation. I also enjoyed attending the ground school with my husband which covered more advanced topics, however, I found the material very interesting and I hope that when I fly with my husband my knowledge then will help our shared safety in the airplane. CC is also a welcoming and excellent host when we stayed in his home for the week and a fab cook to boot. 5 stars, thank you CC, it was an honor and pleasure to meet and train with you.

Flavio Caduda, Nederland, Colorado, USA.

Private pilot.


Kate Faulk, Nederland, Colorado, USA.

Spouse intro flight training.


Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne "CC" Pocock with Brian Schultz from Arizona Flying Services.

Spent three days attending the advanced flying course at Bush-Air with “CC” Milne Pocock. No matter what your experience level is, I am positive you will get something out of this course. Can’t recommend it enough!! Feel free to message me with any questions.

Bush Air C170B

Brian Schultz, Lake Havasu, Arizona, USA


The training I received at Bush Air was top notch. You will learn to fly your airplane in ways you never experienced. Taking this course has made me a smarter and safer pilot. I highly recommend taking a course with CC.

Bush Air C170B

Chris Werner, Anderson, California, USA

Private pilot

Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne "CC" Pocock with Leonardo Correa Luna and his C170B

Excellent training, eye opener in many aspects. CC's passion for flying and to share his knowledge with the focus in making the students better and safer pilots is second to none!

Cessna C170B

Leonardo Correa Luna, Uruguay.

Airline pilot, Hong kong Airlines.

As a sub100hr pilot, this course more than exceeded my expectations. CC was patient and very concise with his lessons and feedback. This was by far the best training I have ever received. CC is an excellent pilot who demonstrates the capabilities of every exercise. Be ready to learn when you arrive. The camaraderie in the evenings was wonderful. Very accommodating to my wife during the class.


Keith Watts, Chapel Hill, Tennesee, USA

Private pilot


Best 4 days of training I have experienced! Working with CC to improve my overall proficiency and skills was top notch. I have had many coaches and instructors in my profession and life and his teaching tech was one of the best. His hospitality and cooking was also a highlight. Thanks for everything.

Dr Kirk Robertson. Cessna 182 N619Z

Kirk Robertson, Flagstaff, Arizona USA.

Private pilot

Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne "CC" Pocock with Chris Boyce and the Bush Air C170B #3 Bushplane trainer




The training was only matched by the hospitality.

From the moment I arrived CC had me in ground school going over his idea of a stabilized approach. This turned out to be the key to all the flying over the next 4 days.

I didn't think it was possible but CC was able to take me from zero tailwheel experience to a safe tailwheel pilot in short amount of time.

During the canyon flying, CC demonstrated performance of the Cessna and myself that I didn't think was possible.

Hospitality was top notch. It is obvious CC loves cooking as much as he loves teaching.

I highly recommend the Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. I fully believe that the training I received will not only make me a better pilot but might also save my life someday.

Bush Air C170B N170Y #3.

Chis Boyce, Gilbert, Arizona, USA

Private pilot.




Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne "CC" Pocock with Randy Craven and the Bush Air C170B #3 Bushplane trainer




Outstanding experience! I needed to shake off the rust after a few years out of the cockpit and this was the perfect course. Excellent review of basic flight maneuvers, with an outstanding introduction and performance of stabilized approaches. The course identified my weaknesses and CC's introduction put me on the path to correcting my deficiencies.

The high performance and precision instruction will benefit me in all phases of flight. I'm prior military with an ATP and I learned new things that I can use every time that I fly. The mountain flying phase brought home the skill and capability to safely execute mountain flying. A must for any pilot contemplating mountain flying.

Not only is CC a fantastic pilot but he's a great chef, and a very hospitable host! Kidwell is a perfect place for this training. Very little traffic to compete with and close proximity to mountainous terrain are ideal to maximize training.

Bush Air C170B N170Y #3.

Randy Craven, Franktown, Colorado, USA

Airline Pilot





Great informative course. CC is a wealth of information. You will learn a lot.

Cessna 172 N571HA

Bill Weddel, Winston, New Mexico, USA

Private pilot

Advanced bush and mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Rick Martin and his PA18 Super Cub.

Excellent flight training. Precision landings, STOL, stalls, slow flight and the emergency return on take-off excellent. Amazing canyon 180 turns and power off pattern work.

PA18 Super Cub N944KM

Rick Martin, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Private pilot

Advanced bush and mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Bob Mearns and his PA18 Super Cub

Very good backcountry flight training. CC taught me many new and improved operations to use in normal and back country flying. I very much enjoyed the training and experience. CC is a great cook.

PA18 Super Cub N340KM

Robert Mearns, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Private pilot.

Advanced bush and mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Ron Kodimer and his PA18 Super Cub

Very good experience. CC gave me the knowledge and a little experience. Now I have to go out and practice!

PA18 Super Cub N935KM

Ron Kodimer, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Commercial pilot


Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne

I am a relatively low time pilot at 130 hours and registered for this course for the primary pupose of becoming a safer and more proficient pilot. What I learned was more than I expected. CC showed me the envelope and what is possible and beyond. He explained the reason for all manuevers and then we practiced them. I am certain that I will be a more competent pilot because of this course.

Bush Air C170B N170Y

Todd Sims, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Private Pilot

Great course. Learned useful advanced flying techniques. Opportunity to advance my flying confidence. Food was amazing. Look forward to next opportunity to do more. Highly recommend.

Bush Air C172

Chris Brown, Dallas, Texas, USA

Private Pilot

Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne

Great opportunity toget recurrent in a taildragger and learn some techniques for short field take-off and landing. Also the canyon flying was very instructive.

Bush Air C170B N170Y

Scott Geil, Seal Beach. California, USA


Advanced bush and mountain flying course. CC Pocock and Dave Shumway with his Carbon Cub FX3

Eye opening experience. Will change the way I fly. Confidence building. Much more confident for mountain canyon flying. Understand the capabilities of my FX3 much better now. Outstanding food by a masterchef! Will send my son for this training and recomend to friends. Best money I have ever spent in aviation!

Carbon Cub FX3 N76KG

Dave Shumway, Ogden Utah, USA

Private Pilot


Advanced bush and mountain flying course. Milne

Best training investment and experience in over 2500 hours of flying. Highly recomend Bush Air

Carbon Cub FX3 N354CB

Cal Brubaker, Utah, USA

Private Pilot


Advanced bush and mountain flying course. CC Pocock and Otto Muller with his Carbon Cub FX3

Great instruction and food! I'm leaving here a safer and more confident pilot.

Carbon Cub FX3 N61CK

Otto Muller, Stuart, Florida, USA

Private Pilot


Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Milne

I really enjoyed the training. Learning advanced techniques and control will give me better understanding of my airplane. This course provides a huge level of proficiency and improves the ability to handle emergency situations. CC is a phenomenal pilot with amazing knowledge ability and skill. I am looking forward to seeing him in STOL competitions.

Bush Air C170B

Gil Avidar, Dillon, Colorado, USA.

Commercial pilot


Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Mike Coster and a Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

Had a great experience renewing decades of old tailwheel experience and first time exposure to serious tailwheel STOL and mountain flying. The intro sessions of slow flight and stall control was excellent. The precision method used will make a top level backcountry pilot once mastered. And I have some additional training to look forward to for mastery level.

CC is hugely accomodating to students and an excellent basis of experience, accomplishments and challenges of his own and his students. Could not have accomplished more in 3.5 days. Thank you.

Bush Air C170B

Mike Coster, Ely, Nevada, USA

Private pilot


Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. Mlne

Excellent. Thorough on all levels. Ground and airwork fantastic. Learned more in 3 days than years of private instruction at my local club. Food Great. Excellent time even outside the flying experience.

Bush Air C170B

Martin Coster, Denver, Colorado, USA

Private pilot


Excellent course. Identified many bad habits and provided corrective techniques. Introduced to many knowlege items and training mauevers I had never done before. Raised the bar for how I fly when I go home. Looking forward to getting more practice on aimpoint, stabilized approaches and STOL.

C170B N3200C

Neil Amonson, Mountain Oaks, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Commercial Pilot

The classes and practical skills on flights dramatically increased my confidence, performance andoverall safety inflight. I cant wait to continue performing these skills to master CC's techniques in future aircraft I'll fly.

Bush Air C170B

David Covel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Private pilot


A truely wonderfull experience. I feel that I am leaving this course a more knowlegeable and proficient pilot. I ahve learned more on this course than I have over the last 2 years. Thank you CC.

Bush Air C172

Darren Fout, Renoldsburg, Ohio, USA

Private Pilot


James Favela, Carbon Cub SS, Fort Mohave, Arizona, USA

Best training hands down I've ever had. CC was patient and also very good at teaching me.

I had no tailwheel endorsement or training. After finishing with CC I had my tailwheel endorsement, biennial and done the advanced bush and mountain flying course. CC taught me to to fly in the mountains safely and to fly stalled and recover with minimal loss of altitude. his approach and teaching made me a more situational aware pilot and safer. I am no longer afraid of stalls or mountains.

Very much gratefull to CC and his school. Everyone should attend , it's great.

Carbon Cub SS N194RA

James Favela, Fort Mohave, Arizona, USA

Private Pilot


Brian Moore, Lancaster, California, USA. Rans S7 Courier

I attended Bush Air in the hope of becoming a better off-airport pilot. In retrospect I became a safer more proficient pilot all the way around. The slow flight and approach techniques made safer and more proficient and gave me a lot of confidence. The mountain and canyon excercises were amazing. I learned what my plane is capable of and that I am capable of doing it.

The techniques work. I had fun, I learned and I recomend this course to anybody looking to expand their abilities. One last thing, the meals were amazing.

Rans S7 Courier

Brian Moore, Lancaster, California, USA

Commercial Pilot


The stabilized approach technique is the best procedure I have seen in my aviation career. Thisprocedure was exactly what I was looking for regarding my approach and landings in a tailwheel airplane. This course will make you a better pilot, The slow flight and stall practice was outstanding.

Bush Air C170B

Philip Greco, Florida, USA



I had not flown in 35 years with total time under 80hrs. The course was incredible intensive but the knowledge that I've gained has made me a safer more aware pilot. It has helped me understand the limits of the aircraft which has raised confidence. Flying is far more fun now and I am much more relaxed and more awake. CC is almost as good a pilot as he is a chef. 10/10 rating!

Bush Air C170B

Mike Johnson, Upland, California, USA.

Private pilot


Absolutely without a doubt the best advanced instruction I have ever received! Taking my airplane to the edge of the flight envelope, demonstrated just what my airplane actually capable of! CC was clear and concise on correcting my errors and made me a safer pilot. He is fun to fly with and a great cook. So glad I did this!

C180 N2821A

Mark Burg,

Colorado, USA

Commercial Pilot & CFI

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Carsten Thies and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

Excellent comprehensive course. Besides the Tailwheel Endorsement I learned a lot and definitely brushed up my flying skills! I highly recommend this course to every pilot to become more proficient and safety aware. CC did an excellent job to guide me through the tailwheel training.

Bush Air C170B

Carsten Thies,

Kenmore, Washington, USA

Commercial Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Dan Myrphy and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

Fantastic course to build proficiency and confidence and learn new skills flying an aircraft I already thought I knew. This training may save my life someday. Not sure what is better, the course or the food!

Bush Air C170B

Dan Murphy,

Georgia, USA

Commercial Pilot

The course was awesome, definitely going to refer others and my own students to come once they are comfortable in the plane. CC taught me lots about flying and showed me stuff in the C170 that I didn't know was possible.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Mason Wanagesekera, Boulder City, Nevada, USA

Commercial Pilot & CFI

Great course, a must do! I learned lots of great technique and safety scenarios. Great mountain skills and backcountry flying. On top of it all you wont go hungry. Food is awesome.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Todd Nunnally,

Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA

Private pilot

I learned many techniques to make me a safer, more confident and proficient pilot. Learning the real boundaries and optimums for my aircraft is valuable information. I would highly recommend the course to any pilot looking to become more familiar with their aircraft.

Cessna C205 N8143Z

Stuart Litjens,

Boulder City, Nevada USA

Private pilot

I am a better safer pilot than I was before training with CC. I am quite confident that this training would save my life and others in the chance of a difficult situation. We were also exposed to the real performance limitations of our aircraft.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Mark Walker

Boulder City, Nevada, USA

Commercial pilot

Great training! Excellent hospitality making a great challenge fun.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Sergio De La Canal,

Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Great, I had fun learning. I found CC to be passionate and well informed with ground and flying. We both made the course fun. I am looking forward to many hours of burning 100LL during practice and polish. CC was very clear, I now have the tools, its time to practice.

Cessna 180

John Prince, Louisiana, USA

Private pilot

I hugely benefited from the Backcountry and Mountain flying course as a 750 hour pilot. CC Pocock's knowlege and explanations inside the cockpit was awsome and well demonstrated. I would highly recomend that any level of pilot do this course!.

Carbon Cub N362CC

Gene van der Walt, Shelbyville, Kentucky, USA

Privat pilot

Good. CC is a pusher and got the most out of me. CC demanded perfection and I appreciated that. Thanks agian.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Ron Cochran, California, USA

Intense, helpful and great experience. You do not want to miss this. To be recommended!

Bush Air C170B N328A

Joerge Dogondke, Germany

Private pilot

Great course! After taking this course feel much better and confident about my flying. CC explained techniques and procedures dispelling much that I have seen taught which will help me as I gointo finishing my CFI.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Chris Reese, Bend, Oregon, USA

Commercial pilot

Outstanding! This should be a required course for all starting pilots and should be taken by the advanced pilot if they are not truely at ease in the air! Spins/stalls practice should be a weekly part of every pilots practice for self preservation. I will recomend this course to every pilot, no matter their personal experience!

Bush Air C170B N328A

Cork Graham, Alaska, USA

Private Pilot


Wow! where to start? Amazing, fun, informative. I just had a blast of a time whith CC! CC's accomodations were rustic and very comfortable and he is a great cook. I felt at home with him and safe when we were in the air. I cannot stress enough how important this training is to me being a fresh pilot of 120 hours. It gives me the confidence to go out and fly my plane now and most importantly to be a safer pilot.

Victor La Morgia, Fargo, North Dakota, USA

Private pilot

Excellent! CC is top notch and an awsome instructor. He made sure that I was truely proficient with each skill before moving on. I feel that I am a much safer pilot because of this training. I am confident that I can safely land my plane if I lost the engine.

Cessna 182 N9167X

Chris Lewis, Florence, Arizona, USA

Private pilot


The course was really great. I've learned an incredible amount and I am sure it will help me in the future.The combination of flying, theory and delicious food in a nice atmosphere is perfect. To see what is possible with the plane is fantastic. The right mixture strictness, precision and fun you will find in this course. It is also varied, demanding and instructive. Every day a new highlight. If you can give points from 0-10, you must give minimum 12! Thank you very mucj and greatings from Germany.

Bush Air C170B N328A

Renate Thesing, Germany

Private pilot

Wolfgang Langewiesche said, "What makes flying so difficult is that the fliers instincts will tempt him to do the exact wrong thing." He goes on, "... you simply cannot go against your common sense, against your most powerful instincts, except by drill, and more hard drill" (Stick and Rudder, pg 3-4). Bush Air's Advanced Flight Training is the hard drill on the essential techniques required to be a safe, confident and proficient pilot. CC takes you past the edge, and forces you to really think about what is happening. At the end of the course you are left with a deeper understanding of flying, all rooted in common sense and practical skills that you can apply on every future mission.

Cessna C185 N714QZ

Alex Polvi,Santa Monica, California, USA

Private pilot

After taking this course I am a 1000% better pilot. CC is an amazing teacher and instructor. His knowledge of how an airplane works is almost unbelievable. He has taught me to respect the stall but certainly not to be afraid of it. I took the combo bush and mountain flying and tailwheel course. With CC's teaching I am now confident I can fly a tailwheel aircraft. He also taught me the necessity of learning my aircraft. It should be a requirement that every pilot take this course. I can promise you come away a far better pilot with much better knowledge and understanding of your aircraft and confidence in not getting into bad situations but if you do, the ability and confidence to escape or recover from it. I can not say enough great things about the course and CC Pocock's skills.

Bush Air C170B N170V

Phillip Kinard, Gulf Shores, Alabama, USA

Private pilot

I had a very good time at Bush Air. This course shows you how to determine what you can and cannot do with your airplane and how you can use that in stabilized approaches and STOL. It is very interesting to experience what these real Limits and numbers differ from the published ones in the POH. Although I had not much SEP experience yet before the course, after this training I'm going home with more confidence and a lot of interesting insights. Very nice place to fly and fantastic catering by CC. I highly recommend this training.

Bush Air C172 N172A

Thomas Jansen, Belguim.

Private pilot



A great and informational course with several hours of ground instruction to cover safety and complete understanding of all the training topics of the course. As well as real world application and things to keep in mind to stay safe in backcountry and mountain flying. CC holds yourself to a very high standard as well as teaches you what and how you are lacking to become a safe pilot. The flight training is great as there is very little to no traffic to delay your training as well as dirt strip at Kidwell airport. Canyons and mountains are a short flight away for real world demonstrations as well as access to off airport landing sites.

You will leave this course with a greater knowledge level as well as a much higher skill level when it comes to not only flying but understanding the principles and the philosophies behind the flight training. I would recommend this course to anyone regardless to your skill level or flying experience. CC's cooking is great and very accommodating to peoples needs. As well as loves to talk flying and airplanes.

Bush Air C170B N170V

Slade Heathcot,

Tampa, Florida USA

Commercial pilot.



The very best training I ever had. Made me a much better and safer pilot. A very strong recommendation to every pilot in the world to book this training. It's worth every penny!

Bush Air C170B N170V

Burkhard Mayer, Switzerland.

Commercial pilot.



Some time has passed since participatinh in the course and writing of this review. The paus was intentional for the sole purpose of determining if what I learned was indeed going to change anything. I can tell you now that ot most assuredly did. It was nothing short of a complete game changer!

The ground school portion was clear understandavle and to the point. The flight portion was tailored to your specific aircraft. Weight and balance and especially ballast was used to optimize a stabilaized approach. Throughout this entire course, safe flying and decision making was stressed. This course was held in conjunction with the Sodbusters STOL event in Milaca Minnesota. And because of what I learned from CC I was able to participate and place well in a field of tough competitors. Yes CC the STOL bug has indeed bitten me.

I encourage anyone widhing to expand their skills to reach out to Bush Air and schedual your game changer.

Cessna C172 N 8300B

Kenny Monger, Bella Vista, Arkansa, USA

Private pilot







My goals for attending the course were to: explore the flight envelope of my C170B, which has the same wing mods as the Bush Air C170B and take instruction in the Advanced Flight Training CC Pocock offers.

CC conducted a ground school and laid out what later would be the flight plan we flew during the training sessions in my aircraft. We practiced stalls with various configurations, of bank, power, and flaps. We documented the speeds for each configuration which became important in the following sessions. We flew under control with the aircraft in a fully stalled condition and practiced slow flight and simulated approach to landing at altitude, from this we developed the power settings and airspeeds for precision approach and landings at safe speeds for my aircraft.

Back at the airport we put this knowledge to use in precision approach and landings for short field scenarios and learned techniques for Short Takeoff and Landings [STOL] performance which I will practice at my home field. My goals for the course were met and exceeded. The trip from Northern Illinois up to Milaca was a great time, I enjoyed the quality training and camaraderie with other pilots who flew into the Sod Busters event. CC, hope to see you in Arizona next year, thanks for everything.

Cessna C170B

Richard McClellan,

Poplar Grove, Illinois (C77) USA

Private pilot




CC’s books, ground, and flight training help greatly in getting to know your airplane. Safety, Competence, and Confidence are stressed, and tools to improve all of these parameters are taught. I especially liked the 60 degree banked turns around a point, to show how to first of all avoid a situation you might have to use it, but to be competent, safe, and confident in canyon and mountain flying. CG considerations, stalls, and STOL are some of the best takeaways from his training. Money well spent!

Husky A1B N354C

Warren Batzlaff, Minnesota, USA

Private pilot


I have taken CC’s course 2x now for knowledge, safety, confidence, and proficiency. We have a lot of grass strips with trees on each end here in MN. I always use it for my Bi-annual flight review and I get FAA wing points. Every time we fly on every leg of the course I learn one more thing to keep me safe. Fantastic course. You owe it to yourself, your family and your passengers!

Cessna C170B N

Dru Dunwoody, Savage, MN USA


I was fortunate to take advanced flight training with CC. Before the training, I had not tested the limits of what my airplane could do. Now having taken the training, I have seen the limits and practiced at them with a very skilled instructor. CC teaches a number of valuable skills that could save your life someday, more importantly, he spends the time to make sure you are comfortable performing them. I came out of the training a much more confident, proficient, and safe pilot. I can't recommend CC's courses enough. I plan to train with him again in the future.

Cessna 170B N31928

David Knutson, Alaska, USA.

Private Pilot


Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Dan Rice and the Bush Air C172

It was awsome, highly recomended!

Bush Air Cessna 172C N172A

Dan Rice, New Hampshire, USA

Private pilot

Fantastic course. Learned new skills, identified some bad habits and most importantly now understand why as well as how. Thanks.

Cessna C206 N465CS

Sean Otoole, Truckee, California, USA.

Private pilot

Awesome experience getting to learn from CC. Pilots never stop learning and feel this is the best most applicable training I’ve had. Thanks CC

Cessna 180 N9414C

Colby Swenor, Alaska, USA.

Private Pilot

Just finished the Advanced bush and mountain flying course with CC Pocock. Fresh off his Valdez STOL victory. This was by far the best training I’ve ever had. If you have never taken this type of course and you fly in the mountains, you need to.

Cessna 170B N2750C

Nathan Foister, Alaska, USA.

Private Pilot


I did so many landings with so many instructors in Germany and the USA. "CC" was the only one teaching me stabilized approaches and exactly when I have to flare and of course how to make a perfect flare. Now I know how to make the fine tuning with my own airplane in Germany. All the other emergency training's were a big help to increase my skills. Thank you CC!

Bush Air Cessna 172C N172A

Raymond Reis, Germany

Private Pilot



I didn't think I could learn so much in so little time. The course was well organized and simple to understand each excercise before going and practicing. It may have helped me a bit to have a bit more time similar to the initial flight (but as a separate flight) so I could really get a good feel of the plane and its controls. I realized how valuable feeling the plane was during the exercises. I benefited tons but I feel like I could come back in 100-500 hours and learn more. I appreciated you adapting to my lack of experience and giving me a safe environment to learn. The conditions were challenging but it definitely added to my learning.

Overall the food and experience was great and I would recommend this course to EVERY PILOT no matter how skilled. I would have loved to have had more days (not your fault) and been able to go to more off airport trails/ sandbars/roads. It would be great to have a follow up course which would elaborate and add onto the skills in this course. I hope to be back sometime.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Paul Nauleau, San Fransisco, California, USA

Private Pilot

Fantastic few days on CC's Backcountry flying course to iron out the gremlins, sharpen my skills and learn a whole lot of new ones, this time on the tailwheel. I really appreciated CC's patience (he needed quite a lot of LOL) and encouragement. Nice to see CC still on a mission to save lives from his new base in the Nevada desert, an excellent location for easy access to some truly spectacular backcountry flying.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Kat Tiefenthal, Jersey, UK

Private Pilot

Recently I took the Advanced Mountain and Bush flying course from CC. I have been flying for more than 35 years and yearly spend over 100 hours traveling through the Rocky Mountains in Canada, and I can now say I have the tools required to safely AND confidently conduct these flights. Highly recommend this training for pilots of all levels.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Mike Edgar, Clairmont, AB, Canada.

Private Pilot





Being bit of a self-proclaimed bush-pilot with well over 2000 landing in my Kitfox 7. Landing anywhere and everywhere I decided to do the Advance Bush & mountain flying course at Bush-Air by CC Pocock. Main reason being to get the peace of paper to keep the authorities happy when I do all my crazy landings. Secondly to confirm that I am doing everything right. What more could there possibly be to bush flying??? BOY WAS I WRONG! Within 5 minutes of our first ground school session I realized: there is a time to be a smart-ass and there is a time to shut up and pay attention. It was clear from the word GO I am in the presence of someone who truly know what they are talking about! CC’s passion for aviation was contagious! Especially his love for STOL and mountain flying.

All exercises was thoroughly explained and discussed in ground school to ensure we consider all safety aspects of the flying exercise to follow. Once in the air it was amazing to see how CC picked up on the smallest of detail not only of my aircraft but also my flying habits. In short, even if you fly great, he will point things out to make you better! CC’s stick and rudder skill is phenomenal and I felt safe to explore the flying exercises knowing he is there to catch me should things go wrong. The three main objectives of the training was to become a more safe, confident and proficient pilot. I can in all honesty say I have improved in all of them! To such an extent that I immediately booked my brother on the next coarse… this course is a live safer and all pilots owe it to themselves and their families!

I am truly sad that South Africa has lost such a great asset to the US. But I already started with plans for a second round with CC in the US to work on my flying some more.

Kitfox 7 ZU-IMT

Riaan Pieters, Nigel, South Africa.

(About2Stall YouTube channel)

Private pilot.




Safe and Valuable training. People should not be allowed to have a PPL if they did not do this course. It showed me that what what I was doing was dangerous before. Now I have the confidence to fly my plane and practice the skills what I was taught. Thanks CC.

Kitfox ZU-FAB

Cobus Pieters, Nelspruit, South Africa

Private Pilot

An eye opening experience to show me what I and my aircraft can do. I have much more confidence in my flying now.

Cessna C210 V5-KBU

Riaan Burger, Oranjemond, Namibia.

Private pilot

I wish this was part of my trainingyears ago. Nice to see what the Bonanza could do, exploring the envelope and can only be taught by someone who understands the laws of nature when it comes to flying. Best experience although challenging and demanding. Thank you CC.

Bonanza ZS-JFP

Jakes Jacobs, Roodepoort, South Africa

Private pilot

This course is the best way to rid yourself of all the bad flying habits accumulated over the years. It teaches you to feel your airplane and to fly more precise and with added awarness. It certainly helps you to fly safer and in adverse conditions make correct decisions to evade dangerous situations. This course makes you a better pilot.

Cessna C210 ZS-AVB

Guenter Schmitz, Switzerland.

Private pilot

Amazing! My understanding about safe flying changed. I learned a lot more about my planeand what true skill is. My experience was eye opening and I already feel a lot more confident than I did when I arrived. I'm very glad we decided to do this!

Jabiru ZU-ENP

Megan Brooks, Centurion, South Africa

Private pilot.

Awsome. Totally worth the time and money. My landings improved the first day and my confidence in slow flight has increased drastically. Accuracy in landing increased as well as spot landing. And the food was excellent. Thanks million CC!

Jabiru ZU-ENP

Gregg brooks, Centurion, South Africa.

LSA pilot

Professional and good fun. Achieved our goals in safety, proficiency and confidence in bush and mountain flying. Excellent technique tuition left me feeling relaxed and confident in my new skills and ability. Highly recommended to all pilots.

Sling 2 ZU-IFS

Garth Loudon, Durban, South Africa

Private pilot

The learning experience was steep and well worth the investment. I'm positive that this course will save lives and planes many times over! Thank you for sharing our knowledge and passion for precise safe flying! Your course has ignited a desire to improve and strive for "perfect safe flying". the course expels the myth of "here be dragons' as depicted on old sailiing charts of the oceans. Thank you and its not the last time we meet. Go well professor Pocock!

Cessna C182 ZS-NVN

Derek Whitfield, Elandsdrift, South Africa

Private pilot

Unbelievable flying and learning experience. I feel that I now have a much better feel and understanding of my airplane. The course and "CC" took me out of my comfort zone and taught me not only what the 206 is capable of but more importantly what I am capable of. Thank you CC for a phenomenal course!

Cessna C206 ZS-ROS

David Rosmarin, Johannesburg, South Africa

Private pilot

I was taught well in my PPL four years ago but taught to be conservative. Err on the side of caution and remain"inside" the published aircraft minima 'at all times". I obeyed. Four years later and at 200hours, I fly mostly long-haul straight and level flights, commuting fast in my Mooney. On the recommendation of friends who had attended this course, I enrolled. The gift of practicing in controlled conditions to poke my head above the parapet and try experience what it's like outside the envelope (and the conservative POH recommendations) is an invaluable lesson. Once asked my son, aged 12, what he'd learned from a 6 day 420km mountain bike trail we'd done together in the mighty South African Drakensburg: he said "Dad, I know I can". It's the same with CC's course. I now know I can! For me it is a great experience on the perpetual aviators learning curve. I've been shown what is possible and that I can. Now it is up to me to honor CC and honor myself by practice, practice and ...practice. Thank you CC

Mooney M20J ZS-KRU

Anton Apps, Kenton on Sea, South Africa

Private pilot

This is a great course that really builds skills and confidence in a really fun and enjoyable way. CC does a super job of sharing his knowledge and skill at flying this plane and knows his aircraft intimately. I would highly recommend this course for pilots of all experience levels. I know that any pilot will finish this course having learned valuable and potentially life saving skills.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Chris Hunter, Australia.

Airline Transport Pilot

The training was good and I learned a lot of new things to control my airplane.

Bush Air Cessna 172C N172A

Tommy Anderson, Finland

Private Pilot

Interesting course that met all my expectations.

Bush Air Cessna 172C N172A

Per-Ake Pettersson, Finland.

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Keja Rowe and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

The skills taught in this course made me a safer and more proficient pilot. CC was able to quickly identify my suboptimal habits and help me remove them. Being a competition-grade pilot himself, he taught me techniques that go beyond the standard training to take-off and land in extremely short distances. Additionaly, his overview of hazards present in bush and mountain environments cannot be praised enough.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Keja Rowe, San Jose,California, USA

Private Pilot

Excellent course. Be prepared for a range of raw experiences some taking you near the edge of your comfort zone but resulting in additional skills and many improvements with greater confidence.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Richard Brown

High Wycombe, UK

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Andreas Kjaer and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

The course was as hoped for. It was both a brush up but also adding techniques not previously taught - e.g. the technique of low level return after take-off. By experiencing the boundaries one will better know what is possible in emergencies and make you a safer pilot. Many valuable inputs to take back home when flying next time. Groundschool was well integrated with practical flying. I think every pilot should allow themselves to take part in this course - quite an experience. The course was also rather challenging with much to learn on the tailwheel part. Finally, the ultimate final with CC not only being a great personal instructor but also your chef. Cooking great meals three times a day makes it a unique experience. Thank you!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Andreas Kjaer

Copenhagen, Denmark

Private Pilot


Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Anna Kjaer and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer



It was exactly what I was looking for being a pilot that doesn't have the possibility to fly as often as I would like and therefore not stay as proficient as I would like. It gave me a brush up on important techniques enabling me to be a safer and more proficient pilot and also it added some very amazing, difficult and fun aspects to flying - as with mountain flying, engine failure after take-off (teardrop turn) and flying in the stall. It had an optimal mix of ground school and flying, which enabled me to use the theory in the air. The course wasn't standardized - it really worked on individual weaknesses and therefor I feel more confident, skilled and proficient and safe. I learned a lot of new things. Also I know what to go work from here. Tailwheel was difficult, frustrating but also fantastic. And then the food and Grand Canyon tour was just perfect! I enjoyed it a lot overall, even though I also felt very challenged and non-proficient at times. Best Anna.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Anna Kjaer

Copenhagen. Denmark

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Rita Bowman and her C152 Aerobat

Excellent training! CC is an amazing pilot who was able to expose me to what my plane is capable of. Things I never imagined! Loved the course and my flying skills were honed by his patient and expert training.

Cessna 152 Aerobat N761YE

Rita Bowman, Boulder City, Nevada, USA

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Ben Miller and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

I came to this course to assess where my flying skills lie after an extended absence from flying. It accomplished much more than that at the conclusion of the course. I learned many techniques which had never been taught to me over the time I had been flying. One major learning experience from this was the low end of the speed range of the 170B. I never knew aircraft were capable of what I was taught by CC. This course should be required for the private certificate.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Ben Miller, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Ron Wallis and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

Great Course, everyone of any level should take this course. It made me a better pilot - more confident, proficient and most importantly I am a safer pilot because of this course.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Ron Wallis, Bensonville, Illinois, USA

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Peter Dutschle and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

Milne is incredibly skilled, enables Hobby-Pilots in shortest time to get aware of their weak-points and manage to train them quickly away. I learned the real flying behind the POH, besides he is a gifted Cook, he served us fresh cooked tasty meals. Whenever you have an opportunity to book a flying course with him, you must do it!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Peter Dutschler, Hunibach, Switzerland

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Adam Hedges and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

Once again you made me a moreconfident pilo. The off airport landing was particularly exciting!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Adam Hedges, Maun, Botswana

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced Bush and Mountain flying course. CC Pocock with Claudia Arens and the Bush Air C170B Bushplane trainer

CC's advanced flight training pushed me out of my comfort zone. Practicing advanced techniques made me more resilient to unusual flight situations. It made me a safer and more proficient pilot. Besides that, I had a lot of fun and I highly recommend this training to any pilot.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Claudia Arens, Bonn, Germany

Private Pilot

 Bush Air - Advanced flying course. CC Pocock with Michael Mah and his PA28

It was a truly a transformative experience. What we learned from you in such a short time made us much safer pilots. We discovered so many things about the performance capabilities of our machines, while sharing a special experience together as an aviation family. Thanks so very much and we look forward to learning even more someday. This was a great start. Practice, practice, practice!

Piper Cherokee PA28

Michael Mah, Pitsfield, Massachusetts, USA

Private Pilot

CC, thank you In 1 hour of flying with you, I feel much safer as a pilot. I recognize the actual limits of my airplane and feel significantly more confident in my ability to fly the airplane and handle it in unfamiliar attitudes. I recommend this training to any pilot, regardless of skill level, without reservation.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Noah Meyerowitz, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA

Private Pilot

Excellent overall. You went way deeper into the effects of CG, stall performance on all aspects of take-off and landing tailwheel aircraft. Good techniques for partial power return to airport and flap usage on short airfields. Each lesson builds on the prior with a culmination of canyon flying.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

BW, North Carolina, USA

Airline Transport Pilot

I got a lot out of this course. Starting at ground zero on both tail wheel and general aviation aircraft. I absorbed greatly learning the theory, techniques and practical excersises in the C170B. Gret food, great drinks, Great company!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

JC, North Carolina, USA

Airline Transport Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced flying course. CC Pocock with Jeff Pohl and his C170B after completeing the Advanced Flying Course

I have always pushed what I thought were the limits of my aircraft but found through this course that I was only pushing the limits of my knowlege and experience. With the skillful assistance od CC Pocock I have discovered the real limits. I have never felt so safe, confident and have a far better understanding of my aircraft. EVERY pilot no matter your skill level should take this course! Thank you CC!

Cessna 170B N4311B

Jeff Pohl, Milaca, Minnesota, USA

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced bush and mountain flying course. Frank Liu and "CC" Milne Pocock. Bush Air Cessna C170B Bushplane

An excellent course which covers many aspects of both bush flying and everyday GA. CC gives a concise approach to developing skills critical to safe flight and opens up new flying opportunities.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Peter Sheppard, Zimbabwe

Private Pilot

Kyle Fosso and his C170b after completing CC Pocock's advanced flying course.

Absolutely pushes your aircraft to the limits, so that you learn and do NOT crash under any circumstances. 1/2’d my takeoff and landing, made me a safer pilot overall and made flying way way more fun!

Cessna 170B N2771C

Kyle Fosso, Washington State, USA

Private Pilot

This course should be taken by all pilots interested in flying safer and being confident in their personal abilities. It is absolutely the best investment I have made in my 45 years of flying. I wish I had taken this course many years ago. I personally have changed my entire flying technique, Thanks.

Cessna 172 N6078A

Jeff Snell, Minnesota, USA

Private Pilot

Great experience. Would like to do it again. I didn't know my airplane would do what CC showed us how to do.

Cessna 172 N6078A

Ken Mazac, River Falls, Wisconsin, USA

Commercial Pilot

Very educational course. Highly recomended to anyone.

Cessna 150 N5579E

Nic Stafford, Minnesota, USA

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced bush and mountain flying course. Frank Liu and "CC" Milne Pocock. Bush Air Cessna C170B Bushplane

It was such a unique and amazing experience to fly with CC in the Nevada desert and mountains. I totally enjoyed my stay here. I definitely am more confident and safer when flying after the training. The food was wonderful. CC is the best cook amoung pilots! For sure I will revisit this unique place and fly with CC again in th future. Thank you CC!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Frank Liu, Florida, USA

Commercial Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced bush and mountain flying course. Steve Horychun and "CC" Milne Pocock. Bush Air Cessna C170B Bushplane

This was the most informative and exciting training ever. I would recomend this course to every pilot.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Steve Horychun, BC, Canada

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced bush and mountain flying course. Erik Weismann and "CC" Milne Pocock. Bush Air Cessna C170B Bushplane

The experience was great and I learned a lot. Of my almost 15000 flight hours, the 5 or so hours spent flying with you were some of the most important. I brought home a list of things to work on and I look forward to becoming a safer and more proficient pilot in my own airplane as a result of your course.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Erik Weismann, New Hampshire, USA

Airline Transport Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced bush and mountain flying course. Alfred Obermaier and "CC" Milne Pocock. Bush Air Cessna C170B Bushplane

Most efficient training I did in my aviation career. Essential learning's were: Ground effect, stall speeds, stabilized approaches, mountain landings and canyon turns.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Alfred Obermaier, Munich, Germany

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced flying course. CC Pocock and Karen Cadzin.  Cessna 170B Bushplane

This is my second round at this course with CC. First was two years ago in Barberton in South Africa in the C172 and now at CC's new US base in Cal-Nev-Ari (1L4) where this time I earned my Tailwheel Endorsement. Once again, the best training there is. I highly recommend combining the tailwheel endorsement with the course to get real world experience. Once again I walk away feeling I am a safer and more proficient pilot. Once again I received my FAA Flight Review through the wings program. This far exceeds any flight review. Thankyou for bringing yourself to the USA to give the outstanding training not found anywhere else. And if its not the training your here for, the meals are not to be missed! Thanks for a great experience!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Karen Cadzin,

Shelter Island, New York, USA

Commercial Pilot & Flight Instructor

Bush Air - Advanced flying course. CC Pocock and Jay Holt with his Maule M5.

Have had a lot of training in my 32 years as a pilot. This level of training has been one of the most informative and rewarding courses I have ever done. Amazing experience. "CC" has been an excellent instructor, amazing knowledge and most important able to successful share his knowledge to give you a better understanding of aircraft capabilities and safety! Highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to be a safer and better pilot.

Maule M5 N999FT

Jay Holt, Moapa, Nevada, USA

Private Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced flying course. CC Pocock and Max Reynaud. Bush Air C170B N170V

A great course with no time wasted. Every minute of the flying is training. I really enjoyed discovering new techniques, boosting my confidence and improving my skills. I also feel safer and more proficient after this course. I am going home 100% satisfied and hope to come back.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Max Reynaud, France

Airline Transport Pilot

Bush Air - Advanced flying course. CC Pocock and Kyle Stone with his Cessna Hawk XP

Great training in all areas of advanced flight... with a focus on slow flight and maintaining control. Work with takeoffs and landing will improve my skills and safety. CC is a wonderful trainer and uses hi examples of mistakes made in the past so we can learn and not repeat them. A lifetime of backcountry flying experience is invaluable to all pilots!

Cessna 172 210hp Hawk XP. N45GV

Kyle Stone, Fruita, Colorado,USA

Private Pilot

Fun and efficient training with the right balance of ground school and practical sessions. Lots of content won't be part of classic flight training but could prove to be vitally important in abnormal conditions. CC is not only a great pilot and instructor but also a very good cook!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Daniel Riefer, Munich, Germany

Airline Transport Pilot

Thoughtful and practical curriculum, great balance of ground school and aircraft training. One of the most useful and important training sessions. In short time greatly improved my understanding and safe operation and limits of not only my aircraft, but have confidence and knowledge to better handle any aircraft. Thank you for hospitality, mentorship and camaraderie.

Cessna 185 N 185FF

Arlan Schmitz, Portales, New Mexico, USA

Private Pilot

Best flight training I ever had. Realized that I got taught a lot of wrong things in the past. Now I feel much more confident overall and especially in STOL operations which improved massively my landings and takeoff's and landing on the spot I actually aim for. Respect and confident flying near mountains and into valleys. Thanks for all that.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Jorn Berneburg, Mainz, Germany.

Commercial pilot

Bad Ass!!! Amazing class. Learned what my aircraft is actually capable of. I will be returning for more advanced flight training. Thanks CC.

Cessna 150 N45454

Brandon Rogers, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Private Pilot



I am a fresh owner of a proper bushplane. I was looking around for courses where I could improve my tailwheel flying proficiency. I have found CC Pocock's Bush Air site and reading through different reviews I was sure that I had found the right place. I have traveled across the globe to Cal-Nev-Ari (USA) Bush Air Base and definitely it was worth it. I have practiced tailwheel short field take offs and landings, low level and emergency flying and landings in severe crosswind conditions and mountain and canyon flying. Including landings on a mountain road. I was able to identify my weak spots and bad habits I need to work on. This training was for me a true eye opener. We have also enjoyed with my wife CC's hospitality and easygoing personality throughout the course. Finalized by a fabulous flight over the Grand Canyon, Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V


Martin Kolar, Prague,Czech Republic

Private Pilot



Excellent instruction. No wasted time. Quick classroom instruction and to the plane to work on landings One landing to see where I stood and then CC jumped in with instruction and tips. First time experience in dirt strip. Much different than grass / pavement. Had me take off and land with instruments covered. One #$@#$ of an experience. Took the time to take a break every 45 mins or so. Allowed time for instruction to sink in and time for questions on the ground, then back to it. My landings were much sweeter after working with CC. Cant wait to get back home and apply what I have learned.

Bush Air Cessna 172C N172A


Dave R, Warren, Ohio, USA

Private Pilot



Of my nearly 36 years of flying everything from C172 to the MD-80 airliner, this has been the best training I have ever received. I combined the Tailwheel endorsement with CC Pocock's advanced backcountry flying course. His instruction is impecable. He Taught me to fly with absolute precision. I am a much safer and knowlegable pilot because of CC. Even if you dont intend to fly to the backcountry this course will make you a better and safer aviator.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Chris Meyer, White Hills, Arizona, USA

Airline Transport Pilot



I feel proud, firstly meeting CC personally, secondly learning from all his flying experiences and remarkable skills and knowledge about bush and mountain flying. After been on the advanced flying course which took 3 days in Cal-Nev-Ari, I feel I became a more skilled pilot. CC is a great bush flying instructor. I am so happy being here and learning some of the best techniques especially when operating any aircraft into remote bush areas. I didn't regret doing this course and you wouldn't either. Thank you CC for passing on your experiences to me. I will be back for some more flying instruction with you in the future.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V


Alexandros Loannou, Cyprus

Airline Transport Pilot



The course was absolutely incredible. I gained more from the course than I ever dreamed I would. I feel like a much safer and confident pilot. CC is the best Instructor I have ever had. CC has an amazing God given talent when it comes to teaching and flying. He shows you how to become one with the plane. This course was an eye opener and showed me how to always stay safe, but yet how to push myself further. My dream is to go to Alaska in about 30 months and become an Alaska Bush Pilot. I feel this course gave me the knowledge and skill to start practicing towards that goal. I do plan to come back and go through it again prior to seeking employment in Alaska. The course was well worth every penny. I was the first student to go through it at his new Cal Nev Ari (Kidwell Airport) location. The location venue for this type training could not have been more perfect. CC is the best!!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V


Adam Watson, Montana, USA

Private Pilot

The course was fantastic! It was fun! it was challenging! I learned more in 3 days with CC than I can remember. Every pilot should take this course for safety / proficiency / confidence. You will know the edge of your aircraft's envelope and know where in that envelope you are operating your aircraft. You will learn skills that may very well save your life, You will learn how to keep you and your aircraft out of trouble.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Dru Dunwoody, Minnesota, USA

Airline Transport Pilot. Delta Airlines.

Excellent training!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Dan Greenhill, Peoria, Arizona, USA

Commecial pilot & flight instructor


I highly recommend CC's course. It was a very enjoyable, exciting and enlightening experience, understanding proper techniques for exploring the back country safely. CC has an excellent delivery and training style that covers proper ballance andlow end fundamentals. This advanced skill set will pay off big time. Knowing were those boundaries are for my aircraft. I'm certainly looking forward to more remote camping possibilities this year! CC is an excellent cook, story teller and host. The staff at Pleasant Valley Airport are also all very accomodating and gracious. Well worth the investment!!

Cessna 180 Skywagon N9005C

Dave Sheldon, Prescott, Arizona, USA

Private pilot

Was an excellent course and exceeded my expectations! CC's attention to detail and working with you to correct the problem now approach really helped me improve my staying ahead of my plane. I have a new found skill set to work with from here on out. I do feel much safer and competent in my plane. Thanks for a great experience! (Also a pretty darn good cook!).

Cessna P206 N4757F

Larry Buster, Colorado, USA

Commercial pilot



The course objective was for graduates to become safe, proficient and confident pilots in bush and mountain flying. The course delivered all of that and more. Cc's in-depth discussions of aircraft performance and how that relates to mountain flying, flying and landing in confined spaces is masterful. It is truly an advanced course that goes well beyond the POH and been able to perform these maneuvers has without doubt made me a safer and more proficient pilot. The section and flights on emergency procedures and landings would be alone be worth the price! The course is carefully structured so that each section, exploring the aircraft performance, short field take-off's and landings, mountain flying, emergency maneuvers and landing in confined spaces builds on the knowledge and performance of the previous step. Every pilot flying in Arizona in light aircraft should take this course.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Wayne Lorgus, Tempe, Arizona, USA

Airline Transport Pilot & Instructor

It was excellent. I had only done BFR's in the last 6 years. Gained a great deal of confidence in my flying and how to safely manage situations that may arise while flying and have gained a great deal more control over the airplane to safely fly it.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

David Price, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Private Pilot

Coming into this course I expected to learn short field take off's and landings, but did not expect to learn how to do this technique to the extent I did! The sheer amount of ground knowledge that I have now learned was exceptional! Having an instructor with as much as skill in the aircraft made performing the task at hand much more pleasant. All in all I will be recommencing this course myself to all my students. Not only so they can learn how to fly these techniques but to also become safer pilots! Thank you!

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Amanda Maheu, Clinton, Utah, USA.

Commercial pilot and Flight Instructor

I really enjoyed the class. I believe I'm a safer pilot because of the new skills CC has taught me. This course is well worth the cost and time to go through!

Cessna 185 N185YM

Mike Barber, Prescott Valley, Arizona, USA

Private pilot

Whether you just got your license or flown for years - it is amazing how much you are going to learn from this course. We flew all the way from Europe because you do not find many instructors like CC on this planet. All topics are explained in ground school before hand and then brought to life in flights of around an hour - just perfect to be able to process all the things you learn about a side of every GA-aircraft's envelope that is often left out in flight instruction. We cannot wait to try out all the things we learned back home. Thanks, Isa & Sebastia.

Bush Air Cessna 170B N170V

Sebastian Reis and Isabella Schmid, Germany

Airline Transport Pilots. Lufthansa.

An exellent course. 3 days well spent bonding with my airplane and practicing techniques Ive only read about. Learned much about what my airplane is capable of and how to do it. Had a great time and enjoyed the course.

Cessna 180 275hp N52108

Roger Jaworski, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Commercial pilot. Flight Instructor. A&P

This course is a great way to familiarize you with your arcraft using precision flying techniques. In addition CC provides excellent bush and mountain flight instruction. CC uses classroom and real world flying conditions to communicate and demonstrate these bush and mountain flying techniques. At the end of the course you would have learned these techniques and improved your aircraft flying skills andincrease your confidence while performing these manuevers.

Cessna 170B 220hp N1743D

Larry Cranton, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Commercial pilot. Flight Instructor. A&P

The first pleasant surprise in this course is that I had the chance to learn far more about my plane than I ever knew before. I learned what the Husky can do with me in a very safe and proficient manner. The rest of the three days in this beautiful Arizona setting was spent in direct, hands-on learning and application of what a bush pilot can do to enjoy the outback. Thanks to CC for wisdom, direct attention to each pilot in the class and three good meals a day!

I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn every skill that CC advertises! Husky N291PC

Chuck Denison, Wyoming, USA

Private Pilot

I would absolutely recommend this course to pilots of all skill levels! My basic maneuvers have been drastically improved and will benefit my flying for years. CC has improved my confidence and proficiency at all airstrips, soft & paved , controlled & uncontrolled.

C172 N734TE

Marty Smith, California, USA.

Private Pilot

I never had so much fun learning new valuable flying skills. Thanks CC http://www.kennedyinternational.net/ | Airplane Repo - Discovery Channel .

Bush Air Cessna 172. N172A.

Mike Kennedy, Orlando, Florida, USA

Airline Transport Pilot.

Very good course. I have a much better grasp on the handling characteristics of my plane. The only thing that could have been done more thoroughly is the determination of initial airspeeds.

Cessna 180, N180V

Jean-Pierre Held, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Commercial Pilot & Flight instructor.

I can honestly say that this course has made me a safer, more proficient, and more confident pilot. The essence that this course taught me was to push the aircraft beyond its boundaries to feel more comfortable and safer in the aircraft. The best example of this is that I am no longer overly concerned when I hear the stall warning come on because I know exactly when the airplane will stall. As a relatively new private pilot, it was an amazing experience to learn the difference between training instruction and actual pilot instruction. I highly recommend taking this course to anyone who is interested in becoming a better pilot. I can guarantee that CC has some tricks to teach you.

Steve Johnson, Southbridge, Massachussets, USA

Private Pilot

Many thanks for the great experience I made, on attending the "Advanced Bush & Mountain Flying Course". It wasn't just interesting and eye opening.., after that course, it makes me feel much more confident and safe, in regard of handling an aircraft close to its limits.!! I definitely can recommand this course to any Pilot, who wants to find out more about the abilities and limits of an aircraft, regardless of his aviation background.!! I wish you all the best and lot's of happy shortfield landings.!! Best regards, Daniel

Daniel Bollinger, Switzerland.

Commercial Pilot

CC, your recent class was like summer camp with airplanes! You delivered as promised. I have the knowledge and confidence to master the skills as advertised. Thanks again and have a great Oshkosh. "More right rudder".

Peter van Camp, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Private Pilot

I have over 900 hours in multiple type piston aircraft in over 25 years of flying. I finally learned to fly after attending CC Pocock’s Bush and Mountain Flying Course. CC forces you to learn the corners of the flight envelope in your own aircraft, becoming one with it. It is pure joy to realize how much better a pilot one can become in so short a time with CC as your tutor. I am also convinced that I am now a safer pilot as practiced skills breed confidence and safety. Steve Eddy, M.D.

Steve Eddie, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Private Pilot


I expected CC to be an eccentric maverick - his reputation preceding him - but I found a man passionate about safety, on a mission to keep pilots from making mistakes that cost so many lives. Click on this link to read an Article about the course in Pilot mag (UK)_Feb18_BushFlying

Bush Air Cessna 172 N172A

Kat Tiefenthal, Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

Private Pilot

I had a great time. Learned much about the abilities of the aiplane and ad alternative / safer way to fly. I also learnedabout my abilities and limitations. I have lots of pratice to do perfecting the manuevers CC taught me and I intend on following through. Thank you for everything CC!

Bush Air Cessna 172 N172A

Kyle Porter, Montgomery, AL, USA

Commercial Pilot & Flight Instructor

We came for the food and bar but the flying was someting else! Quite time in the Spa is highly recommended!

Bush Air Cessna 172. N172A.

Ewald Jooste, Melbourne Australia

Private Pilot

There are only a few candies in a pilots life and CC's Advanced Bush & Mountain Flying Course is for sure one of them, a paramount one. Finally someone showed me why the flaps are on the airplane. The low level cuircut with a short landing and the canyon turns, amazing. Thank you CC for the best flying I've had on a Cessna and Islander. Thanks for amazing cooking and hospitality. You've showed me art in the kitchen too. For shure I'm coming back for a refresher. Rok & Tanjia.

Bush Air Cessna 172. N172A.

Rok Weber, Ljbljana, Slovenia.

Commercial Pilot & Flight Instructor

This course surpassed any thoughts I had. Arrive with no expectations and become blown away with gaining knowledge and experience one could only learn from CC. Truly an amazing experience I am so thankful for. CC, thank you for your patience, your fantastic teaching technique and for sharing the real experience! Lets not forget the culinary delights. I'm sure I will not have such great food the rest of my trip. A return for aviation and culinary treats is a must!. Thank you. Bush Air C172 N172A

Karin Cadzin, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, USA

Commercial Pilot & Flight Instructor

Practice - practice - practice! Been on this course several times, I understand even more how important that is. I leave everytime knowing much is still out there to become more proficient. Thanks CC. This is something I never forget. You are great!

Roland Berez, Budapest, Hungary

Commercial Pilot

I was here with my pilot friend who attended the course for the 5th time! It was a fantastic and outstanding week! Thanks a lot CC you were outstanding!

Gaspar Levenet, Budapest, Hungary


What an amazing shoot we had with your crazy self! We had a blast. Thanks for everything... catch you on the flip side.

Jennifer Wilkins, Los Angeles, CA, USA. TV Crew - Production Manager


What a kick ass time! You are a great pilot and TV star. One of the best cast members I have worked with! http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/deadliest-job-interview/bios/bush-pilot/

Matt Getz , Los Angeles, CA, USA. TV Crew - Executive Producer


CC, What a fantastic experience! I am going back to fly the islands definately feeling safer, more competent and confident. The whole experience - great food, greater lodgings, great flyingand friendly cameraderie was unforgettable!

Bush Air C172 N172A

Fiona Horne, St Croix, US Virgin Islands

Commercial Pilot

The second time! - and it was even better than the first. CC You are an national asset to aviation and your food and hospitality is of the highest order. Thank you!! Saratoga ZS-OFH. http://www.bushair.co/saflyer-bpc-April-2015.htm

Guy Leitch, SA Flyer Magazine, Johannesburg, South Africa

Private Pilot

An Incredible weekend! There is no doubt that these 3 days have made me far more proficient and confident than the past year year of flying. A course I feel I could do many times and continue to learn each time. Not to mention the food and hospitality! Thank you CC! http://www.bushair.co/saflyer-bpc-April-2015.htm

Graem Wuth, SA Flyer magazine, Johannesburg, South Africa

Private Pilot

(c) Bush Air LLC, Kidwell Airport, Cal Nev Ari, NV 89039